Scholarships and Awards
Phi Kappa Phi awards more than $700,000 annually to outstanding students, Phi Kappa Phi members and chapters.
The various Society awards competitions include: The Fellowship, Study Abroad Grants, Literacy Grants and Love of Learning.
Additional award information including application instructions can be found on the Phi Kappa Phi website.

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards fifty-one Fellowships of $5,000 each and six at $15,000 each to members entering the first year of graduate or professional study. Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may select one candidate from among its local applicants to compete for the Society-wide awards.
Study Abroad Grants
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. One hundred twenty-five $1,000 grants are awarded each year.
Applicants do not have to be Society members but must attend an institution with an active Phi Kappa Phi chapter.
Love of Learning Awards
Love of Learning Awards help fund post-baccalaureate professional development for active Phi Kappa Phi members to include (but not be limited to): Graduate or professional studies, doctoral dissertations, continuing education, career development, travel related to teaching/research/learning, etc. Recipients of the Fellowship award are not eligible to apply. Two hundred awards, at $500 each, are distributed each year. We offer two application cycles each year, awarding one hundred winners per cycle.
The competition is open to all active (dues current) Phi Kappa Phi members who:
- Have completed their baccalaureate studies by application submission deadline.
- Have not yet received a Fellowship or Award of Excellence grant.
Literacy Grants
The Literacy Grants program was initiated to mobilize members and resources of Phi Kappa Phi and the higher education community to champion literacy initiatives. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives. The Society's commitment to the cause of literacy grows out of and is consistent with its mission, which was expanded to include "…and to engage the community of scholars in service to others."