2013 Student Summer Scholars
Abigail Carlson

Exercise Induced Neurogenisis Using A Crayfish Model System
Faculty Mentor: Dan Bergman, Biomedical Science
Holly Cassell

Reviving German-American Musical Culture: The Works of William Henry Pommer
Faculty Mentor: Lisa Feurzeig, Music
Christopher Churches

Geomorphic Characterization of the Grand River near Grand Rapids: Baseline Data Collection and Predicted Dam Removal Effects
Faculty Mentor: Peter Wampler, Geology
Jozlyn Clasman

Structural Analysis of the Clinically-Derived Class D β-lactamase OXA-24 with a Pro227Ser Mutation
Faculty Mentor: Dave Leonard, Chemistry
Jacob Dec

Assessing the light requirements for E3 complex assembly in Arabidopsis thaliana
Faculty Mentor: Matthew Christians, Cell and Molecular Biology
Alexander Fisch

Effect of Telomerase Inhibitors on Malignant Breast Cancer Cells
Faculty Mentor: Osman Patel, Cell and Molecular Biology
Vincent Gasparotto

Detecting deletions in the Hdc gene generated by Minos transposon excision in Drosophila melanogaster
Faculty Mentor: Martin Burg, Biomedical Science
Julia Gjebic

A Study of Oboe Reeds
Faculty Mentors: Karen Gipson, Physics & Marlen Vavrikova, Music
Breanna Gould

A landscape genetic analysis of eastern box turtles, Terrapene carolina carolina
Faculty Mentor: Jennifer Moore, Biology
John Gravelyn, MS3

The Trainer Project
Faculty Mentor: John Farris, Engineering
Danielle Harris

DDS/DGEBA Epoxy Used as a Model for Studying Polymer Confinement in Polymer Nanocomposites
Faculty Mentor: Richard Vallery, Physics
Rachel Hughart

Kit Production and Survival From Birth Through Independence of American Marten in West Michigan
Faculty Mentors: Paul Keenlance, Natural Resources Mgmt & Joseph Jacquot, Biology
Lisa Keeney

Creating a Performing Edition of Sousa Opera
Faculty Mentor: Kevin Tutt, Music
David Leestma

The Administration of the Hajj: An Analysis of the operation and logistics of the Islamic Pilgrimage
Faculty Mentor: Sebastian Maisel, Modern Languages
Kayla Lockmiller, MS3

TOC, C/N, δC13, and δN15 of Shales from the Mississippian Michigan Formation, Western Michigan
Faculty Mentor: Patricia Videtich, Geology
Andrea Morrow

A Comparative Analysis of the Tibia of Paralouatta varonai, an Extinct Cuban Primate
Faculty Mentor: Melissa Tallman, Biomedical Science
Alice Munday, MS3

“Such is War”: Union Surgeon George M. Trowbridge and the Personal Perils of Slavery and Race in the American Civil War
Faculty Mentor: Scott Stabler, History
Jessica Pontow

An analysis of extra-pair paternity in a population of Tree Swallows in Allendale, Michigan
Faculty Mentors: Michael Lombardo, Biology & Patrick Thorpe, Biology
Aula Ramo

Can drugs for Alzheimer's disease be of benefit in glaucoma?
Faculty Mentor: David Linn, Biomedical Science
Mitchell Roth

The Role of CBL10 in Stamen Development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Faculty Mentor: Margaret Dietrich, Cell and Molecular Biology
Max Spencer

A bioassessment of the butterflies and leafhoppers of the rare alvar ecosystem of the Maxton Plains Preserve
Faculty Mentor: James Dunn, Biology
Aubriana Spenski, MS3

Mechanisms of American Marten Kit Independence and Dispersal in West Michigan
Faculty Mentors: Joseph Jacquot, Biology & Paul Keenlance, Natural Resources Mgmt
Jordan Straight

Nato3 induces the expression of key DA neuron markers in a regionally and temporally specific manner within the developing CNS
Faculty Mentor: Merritt Taylor, Biomedical Science
Hollister Swanson (Koeze Fellow)

Identification of a Potent Inhibitor for the Extended-Spectrum Class C β-lactamase, ADC-7
Faculty Mentor: Brad Wallar, Chemistry
Marissa Swartz

Economic Context and Civic Engagement: the Effects of ‘Localism’ in Four Michigan Cities
Faculty Mentor: Whitt Kilburn, Political Science
Adam Terwilliger, MS3

Do We Need to Analyze Spectra by Hand?
Faculty Mentor: Richard Lord, Chemistry
Jared Toogood

Epiphytes, Assemble! Epiphytic fern distribution along a vertical moisture gradient
Faculty Mentor: Gary Greer, Biology
Josephine Werner, MS3

Expression, purification, and optimization of crystallization conditions for the antibiotic resistance enzyme OXA-24 beta-lactamase
Faculty Mentor: Rachel Powers, Chemistry
Noah Zucker
Affect of fatty acid structure on endothelial cell connexin43 levels
Faculty Mentor: David Kurjiaka, Biomedical Science
If you'd like to see more about these scholars' projects, then check out the GVSU Summer Scholars Showcase Abstract Book.