Upcoming Accounting Online & Hybrid Courses

ACC 201 - Non-Business Acct 1 Description

A working knowledge of financial statements and generally accepted accounting principles to demonstrate how managers make decisions with accounting information typically portrayed on income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree-seeking students will not be given credit toward degree completion for this course. Prerequisites: MTH 108 and MTH 109 (or MTH 110). Corequisites: ACC 202 and HTM 273.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 202 - Non-Business Accounting 2 Description

A working knowledge of product and labor cost behaviors, cost-volume-profit relationships, budgeting, relevant costing, and capital management to demonstrate how managers make decisions based on understanding of accounting and cost information. Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree-seeking students will not be given credit toward degree completion for this course. Prerequisites: MTH 110. Corequisites: ACC 201 and HTM 273.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 212 - Prin of Financial Acct Description

Introduction to financial accounting. Emphasizes the importance of accounting information, how accounting information is produced, and how this information is used in making decisions about organizations.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 213 - Prin of Managerial Acct Description

This course addresses accounting information in business. Topics include cost concepts and behavior, product and activity-based costing, cost-volume-profit relationships, variable costing, budgeting/performance analysis, standard costs/variance analysis, and relevant costs for decision-making. Knowledge of spreadsheets and college algebra is recommended as these tools will be used throughout the course. Prerequisite: ACC 212.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 240 - Financial Acct Applications Description

A review of the financial accounting process and an introduction to financial accounting database and retrieval procedures. Prerequisite: ACC 212.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 310 - Intermediate Accounting I Description

Theory and application of financial accounting. Topics include the accounting cycle, development of accounting standards, financial statement presentation, basic asset/liability/equity transactions, revenue recognition, and the time value of money. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: ACC 240 with a B- or better or both ACC 212 and ACC 213 with honors designations with a B- or better, and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 311 - Intermediate Accounting II Description

Continuation of the theory and application of financial accounting. Topics include the recognition, measurement and presentation of liabilities, equity, deferred taxes, leases, and pensions as well as accounting changes and the cash flow statement. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ACC 310 and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 317 - Individual Income Taxation Description

Consideration of the basic theory and practice applicable to the determination of the taxable income of individuals. The course will cover the individual income tax formula including the determination of income, the role of deductions and credits, and simple and complex property transactions. Prerequisites: ACC 212 and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 321 - Cost Strategy & Decisions Description

The course examines the use of cost management techniques and tools to enable better managerial decision-making. The course topics include: cost concepts and cost behavior, product and activity-based costing, absorption and variable costing, cost of capacity utilization, transfer pricing, relevant costs for decision-making and strategic analysis of income. Prerequisites: ACC 213 and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 333 - Corp Gov and Accounting Ethics Description

A discussion of ethical literature relating to business problems. Emphasis will be placed on the practical introduction to normative and behavioral ethics. Students will apply ethical reasoning in the legal and professional environment that accountants work in and evaluate others' decisions in that environment. Offered fall and winter semesters. Prerequisite: Admission to Seidman College of Business or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 340 - Accounting Systems Description

Accounting systems must faithfully represent the economic reality of enterprises for which they account. Students will build models of enterprise economic realities, evaluate internal controls, and use software to implement those models to capture, store, retrieve, and report accounting data as well as to analyze and visualize accounting information. Prerequisites: MGT 268 and either ACC 240 with a B- or better, or both ACC 212 and ACC 213 with honors designations with a B- or better.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 380 - Special Topics in Accounting Description

To be arranged with a full-time faculty member with the approval of the department chairperson. A maximum of three hours of credit may be applied to the degree requirements. Offered as demand warrants. Prerequisite: Admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 408 - Govt & NonProfit Acctng Description

Introduction to accounting and auditing concepts related to state and local governmental and not-for-profit entities. Course will focus on financial reporting and transaction analysis related to these entities. Course emphasizes accountability in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and financial reporting regulations that guide financial reporting and transaction analysis. Cross-listed with ACC 508. Prerequisites: ACC 310 and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit. Credits: 3

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 413 - Internal Auditing Description

This course covers the specialized area of internal auditing. The topics include the internal audit professional standards and other authoritative practice guidance, risk assessment and mitigation, internal control processes, governance, ethics, and operational, compliance, financial and information systems auditing. Auditing with generalized audit software such as ACL is also covered. Cross-listed with ACC 513. Offered fall semester. Prerequisites: Senior standing, ACC 212 or equivalent, and admission to Seidman College of Business.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 414 - External Auditing Description

Introduction to various principles, theories and concepts relating to financial statement audits. Topics include an overview of the profession, planning, risks, fraud, internal controls, substantive procedures, sampling, completion, reporting, and opinions. Course emphasizes the assertion level risks for various accounts and gathering/evaluating evidence to support audit opinions. Cross-listed with ACC 514. Prerequisites: ACC 310 and admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit. ACC 340 strongly recommended.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 480 - Special Topics in Accounting Description

Readings, lectures, and/or discussions in specific topics not normally covered by other courses in the program. Prerequisite: Admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 499 - Independent Research Description

Students propose an independent study culminating in a written and oral report. The proposal must include learning outcomes and a reading list. Proposals involving primary research should include a detailed description of objectives and methodology. Students must find an interested faculty member to help them prepare the proposal and to supervise the independent research. Prerequisite: Admission to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 508 - Govt & NonProfit Acctng Description

Introduction to accounting and auditing concepts related to state and local governmental and not-for-profit entities. Course will focus on financial reporting and transaction analysis related to these entities. Course emphasizes accountability in governmental and not-for-profit accounting and financial reporting regulations that guides financial reporting and transaction analysis. Cross-listed with ACC 408. Prerequisite: ACC 310 and admitted to Seidman College of Business, or by permit.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 513 - Internal Auditing Description

This course covers the specialized area of internal auditing. The topics include the internal audit professional standards and other authoritative practice guidance, risk assessment and mitigation, internal control processes, governance, ethics, and operational, compliance, financial and information systems auditing. Auditing with generalized audit software such as ACL is also covered. Cross-listed with ACC 413.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 514 - External Auditing Description

Introduction to various principles, theories and concepts relating to financial statement audits. Topics include an overview of the profession, planning, risks, fraud, internal controls, substantive procedures, sampling, completion, reporting, and opinions. Course emphasizes the assertion level risks for various accounts and gathering/evaluating evidence to support audit opinions. Cross-listed with ACC 414.  

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 580 - Special Topics in Accounting Description

Readings, lectures, and/or discussions in specific topics not normally covered by other courses in the program.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 607 - Ethics for Accountants Description

This course covers stakeholder's ethical expectations of accountants, directors and officers, principles of corporate governance, philosophic and practical approaches to making ethical decisions, and an introduction to accountants' regulatory requirements and codes of conduct. Prerequisite: Admission to a Seidman College of Business graduate program.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 612 - Acct Legal Environment Description

An intensive course in business law with emphasis on those subjects that relate to the accountant's legal environment, including accountant's legal liability, federal securities regulation, sales law, insurance suretyship, antitrust law, secured transactions, bankruptcy, property law, etc. Prerequisite: ACC 310 or equivalent.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 615 - Entity Taxation Description

Examination of the tax characteristics of various business entities, including the C and S corporation, partnerships, and limited liability companies. Topics covered include the tax consequences of forming, operating, and liquidating such business entities. Tax research and planning issues are also discussed. Course may not be taken for credit if student has received credit for ACC 318 or equivalent. Not available to MST students without permission of director of graduate programs. Prerequisite: ACC 212 or ACC 511 or equivalent.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online
Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 616 - Financial Accounting Systems Description

Development of skills and knowledge related to integration of information technology in accounting and business with a focus on structured accounting data creation, storage, analytics, and reporting within and across organizations. Prerequisite: ACC 340 or equivalent.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 617 - International Accounting Description

This course addresses accounting issues relevant to managers of a multinational company and global investors. Topics include translation of foreign currency financial statements, accounting for foreign exchange derivatives, international financial reporting standards, comparative financial reporting, and corporate governance systems. Prerequisite: ACC 310 or equivalent.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 618 - Advanced Accounting Description

This course covers the theory, concepts, and methodologies underlying business combinations and consolidations, interim reporting, accounting for partnerships, and governmental and not-for-profit accounting. Prerequisite: ACC 310 or equivalent.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online

ACC 623 - Sales, Exch, and Prop Disp Description

Examines the federal income tax issues pertaining to the sale or exchange of property. Topics include like-kind exchanges, involuntary conversions, the disposition of a principal residence, the disposition of business assets, installment sales, unstated interest, and sale-leaseback transactions.

Available Semesters

Fall 2024 - Online

ACC 629 - Partnership Taxation Description

Covers the federal taxation of partners and partnerships. Topics include formation and operation of a partnership including receipt of a partnership interest for services, liquidations and terminations, distributions and sales of a partnership interest, calculation of basis, and special basis adjustments. Decedent partner issues and LLCs are also covered.

Available Semesters

Winter 2025 - Online