Course Coordinator Responsibilities

The primary role of a course coordinator is to maintain quality and consistency of instruction in multiple-section courses. Course coordinators schedule regular meetings with faculty and provide resources to support teaching and learning in the courses they coordinate. The sections below describe responsibilities associated with coordination of specific courses.

MTH 110 Coordinator

Revised Winter 2009

The duties of the MTH 110 Coordinator are as follows:

1. Organize and conduct a start up meeting of all Math 110 instructors at the start of each academic year. This meeting will be used to communicate the departmental expectations concerning syllabi, assessments and other teaching practices so that consistency with department goals and values for the course are maintained.   

2. Organize and conduct faculty observations. Each new adjunct should have one visit per semester during the adjunct's first year.  Other adjuncts should have at least one class visit per year, unless either the Department Chair or a MTH 110 coordinator deem additional visits to be necessary. It is the duty of the MTH 110 Coordinator (or Co-coordinators), with the help of the Foundations Committee, to make these visits in a timely fashion each semester and give feedback to each faculty member as to what was observed, and share this information with the department chair.

3. Facilitate professional development for instructors of Math 110.  At least three times a semester organize activities to promote pedagogical reflection, growth and communication among instructors of Math 110. These activities could include, but are not limited to:

  • Scheduling of small group meetings for all MTH 110 instructors to discuss what is happening in their courses and to share successful teaching ideas and practices. Each of these meetings will be led by a MTH 110 coordinator.
  • Pairing Math 110 instructors to observe each other’s Math 110 classes and requiring the instructors involved to (briefly) report to a Math 110 coordinator about the observation
  • Grouping Math 110 instructors so that they can discuss and become familiar with each other’s curricular materials. All instructors involved are required to (briefly) report their thoughts to a Math 110 coordinator.

At least one set of small group meetings will occur each semester. 

4. Build and maintain, for use by faculty teaching the course, a library of activities that people who have been teaching the course have found successful in developing and enriching the course content.

5. In the event that there is a new text, be responsible for preparing or facilitating the preparation of new materials, such as suggested homework, activities, syllabi, etc. to ensure consistency in the course.

6. The MTH 110 coordinator(s) are responsible for coordinating mentoring of new MTH 110 instructors.

MTH 221 Coordinator

Approved Fall 2000

The duties of the MTH 221 Coordinator are as follows:

1. Coordinate tasks associated with the common final exam. These tasks include scheduling rooms, creating the final, grading the final, handling applications for and arranging permission for taking the conflict final, and scheduling the conflict final. Faculty teaching MTH 221 assist in these tasks. Application, permissions and scheduling the conflict final exam are done in consultation with the MTH 222 Coordinator.

2. Hold regular meetings of faculty teaching the course to maintain consistency and quality of the course.

3. Coordinate the review and revision of the master teaching notes.

4. Coordinate duplication of materials.

5. Work with Coordinator of MTH 222 to maintain laboratory equipment and its storage in Allendale and Grand Rapids.

MTH 222 Coordinator

Approved Fall 2000

The duties of the MTH 222 Coordinator are as follows:

1. Handle administrative tasks associated with fieldwork experience for students.
    a.  Negotiate school sites.

    b.  Contact teachers and arrange visits.

    c.  Schedule students.

    d.  Handle follow-up paperwork.  

Fieldwork will be supervised by all faculty teaching the course.

2. Handle administrative tasks associated with Xmania or other similar common assessments. Assessments will be carried out by all faculty teaching the course.

3. Coordinate tasks associated with the common final exam. These tasks include scheduling rooms, creating the final, grading the final, handling applications and arranging permission for taking the conflict final, scheduling the conflict final.  Faculty teaching MTH 222 assist in these tasks. Applications, permissions and scheduling the conflict final exam are done in consultation with the MTH 221 Coordinator.

4.  Hold regular meetings of faculty teaching the course to maintain consistency and quality of the course.

5.  Coordinate the review and revision of the master teaching notes.

6.  Coordinate duplication of materials.

7.  Work with Coordinator of MTH 221 to maintain laboratory equipment and its storage in Allendale and Grand Rapids.

Online Hybrid Course Coordinator

The duties of the Online Hybrid Course Coordinator are as follows: 

- Assist the Unit Head, Curriculum Committee, and/or others in development of new and existing online instructional units, including microcredentials; and in the scheduling of online and hybrid course sections. 
- Support faculty certification for teaching online and hybrid sections, for example via the Foundations of Online and Hybrid Course Design certification through IDeL or other accepted certification. 
- Work with the Assessment Committee to collect, analyze, and archive aggregate data on online and hybrid sections for use in departmental planning and evaluation of those sections. Data may include, but are not limited to: enrollment, retention, grade distributions, DFW rates, and LIFT survey responses. 
- Work with the Personnel Committee to coordinate observations and evaluations of online and hybrid courses using appropriate online course evaluation rubrics, and provide feedback to online and hybrid course instructors.
- Consult with the Unit Head and Instructional Resources Coordinator to ensure online and hybrid instructors have adequate training and equipment. 
- Support professional development for online and hybrid course instructors, which could include but is not limited to: 
- Regular synchronous meetings of online and hybrid course instructors, including at least one synchronous group meeting per semester of online and hybrid course instructors
- Facilitation of online communities for online and hybrid course instructors 
- Connecting faculty to professional development opportunities outside the department (Quality Matters, online certifications, FTLC programming, etc.) 
- Serve as the department’s contact to the Online Education Committee. 

Page last modified April 30, 2020