PIPES Meetings

PIPES - Patients as Team Members

PIPES - Patients as Team Members

Date and Time

Monday, September 24, 2018 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


You can RSVP for this event



Interested in boosting your resume and learning with students from other disciplines? Check out PIPES as we welcome back Dr. Sheagren to present at our fall kick-off event! Dr. Sheagren will describe the future “Value“ versus the present “Volume-Based” health care system. Free Pizza will be provided!

All PIPES events are FREE and open to any area undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in a health-related academic program. Students from all colleges & universities welcome to attend. 

Please RSVP for this event.


For more information regarding PIPES, please contact:

Lisa Naymick, CCC-SLP, Clinical Simulation & Resource Center Specialist

Phone: 616-331-5667

Email: naymickl@gvsu.edu


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Page last modified September 24, 2018