Deadline: March 1, 2025
The purpose of the mini-grant funding is to add to the body of knowledge for interprofessional education and collaborative practice. To be eligible for a mini-grant, projects must be interprofessional in nature. Preference may be given to multi-institutional collaborations.
The research/project must support the mission of MIPERC and contain specific measurable outcomes. Deliverables may include completion of the research/project [i.e. dissemination, project outcome data, impact data, program evaluation data, literature review, grant submission as a result of the project, etc.
MIPERC Mission
To identify ways that the members can develop collaborative, innovative, and interprofessional initiatives across disciplines, learning institutions, and health care systems.
Project Examples include:
➢ Improve the quintuple aim outcomes on an individual and population level
➢ Result in sustainable and adaptive infrastructure that supports the quintuple aim outcomes of both education and practice
➢ Identify ecological factors essential for achieving quintuple aim outcomes
➢ Identify factors essential for systematic and adaptive infrastructure in the transformation of the process of care and education
➢ Identify changes needed in policy, accreditation, credentialing, and licensing for health care provision and education
➢ Establish a connection between health outcomes, education, and collaborative practice
Grants will be available (up to $1,000 each). The proposed work should be completed within 1 year. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Eligibility criteria require applicants to be a faculty/staff/student/practitioner of a MIPERC affiliate organization.
Proposal Format
Sections II-VII should be created using a Word document and uploaded as a combined document with the Mini-Grant Application form on the MIPERC Website. Questions may be directed to Denise Ludwig at [email protected].
All application pages must be numbered consecutively, beginning with the cover sheet. Each major proposal section, identified by Roman numerals, should begin on a separate sheet but continue the page numbering from before. It is the responsibility of the Principle Investigator/Project Director (PI/ PD) to ensure that there are no missing pages in the original document.
Type Size (standard size of 12 points or larger)
Font Style (Times Roman, Courier, etc.)
Line Spacing (1.5")
Margins (1" on all sides)
If the proposal discloses information that is, or may be subject to your institution’s Invention Disclosure or otherwise contains proprietary or confidential information, it should be so noted on the cover page of the proposal. Each subsequent page with proprietary and confidential information should be marked- confidential.
Section I - Introductory Information: - Log into the MIPERC website - Mini-grant Proposals to complete section I of the application by completing the questions. All research must be conducted in compliance with all applicable federal and university policies and regulations. If the proposed project will involve human subjects, vertebrate animals, or hazardous materials, approval must be obtained by the appropriate institution committee. Funds will not be released until receipt of IRB approval letter.
The following sections should be created using a word document and uploaded as a combined document to the Mini-Grant Application Form on the MIPERC Website.
Section II - Project Abstract - Provide a clear, concise description of the goals, methods, and anticipated outcomes of the proposed project. This abstract will be published on the MIPERC website. Maximum 200 words.
Section III - Significance and Impact - Explain the significance and impact of the interprofessional approach described in the proposed project and how it will contribute to the advancement of research priorities. Maximum 200 words.
Section IV - Itemized Budget and Budget Justification - Estimate the costs of the whole project. If you have support from other sources, please identify these sources and funding amounts in the budget narrative.
Section V - Project Description - The main body of the description should be a clear statement of the work to be undertaken. It should be organized and labeled by the following sections: (A standard description is 2-3 pages. No more than 6 pages will be accepted).
- Objective(s) - Clearly state the research problem/question/concept that will be addressed.
- Background and Significance - Describe the relationship of the proposed project to the present state of knowledge in the field. Include,as appropriate, a review of pertinent literature or ideas on the subject. This section should clearly describe how the proposed project fills a gap in knowledge.
- Context - Describe the setting(s) in which the study will be conducted.
- Methods/procedures/materials - Describe in clear and understandable terms the plan of work to achieve the stated objectives.
This statement should include:- Concepts to be explored or hypotheses to be tested
- Project plan and/or procedures for data-gathering, including sample design and size; tools, and descriptions of the type and suitability of statistical analyses
- Clear statements of the activities of all personnel (PI and students, if funding is requested for student support); and access to the data
- Descriptions/identifications of essential equipment, commodities, software, etc., and their availability; if such items need to be purchased, provide pertinent data in the budget justification
- Statement of plans for human subject/student protections and consideration of federal, state, or local laws including but not exclusive to HIPAA and FERPA.
- Timeline - an outline, month by month, of the activities to be carried out during the months of funding for the proposed project.
- Outcome - What is the anticipated “final product” of the proposed collaborative project?
- Collaborations - If this project is being carried out in cooperation with agencies or educational institutions outside of the MIPERC partnerships, please state the nature and extent of the cooperation.
Section VI - Reference Cited: List all sources of information, published or unpublished (e.g., manuscripts, websites, and personal communication), cited in the text.
Section VII. - Support Letter (s): Letters of support should be written by all relevant department chairs or supervisors. It is the responsibility of the PI that all letters are uploaded in the supporting document section of your application.
Completion of the Project.
- Must be completed within 12 months with a final report submitted to MIPERC to receive the reimbursement. Reports are due within 30 days of completion.
- Reimbursement procedures as provided on the MIPERC site must be followed.
- Acknowledgment - For each publication or presentation that results from the support of MIPERC grant-supported activities, recipients must include an acknowledgement of grant support using this statement: “This project was supported by and in collaboration with the Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Educationacknowledgmententer member multi-institutional grant funded award”.
- IRB Review - Upon acceptance of proposal, IRB review will be required from each institution affiliated with the submitted work.
- Project recipients will be recognized at the MIPERC Annual Conference