
  • Math in Action 2021 will take place in four sessions, with 15 minute breaks between sessions and a lunch break from 11:15 - 12:15. All times on the schedule are in Eastern time.
  • Feel free to attend everything you're interested in! You do not need to limit yourself to one grade band.


Help Desk & Coffee Chat rooms

We will have a "help desk" open during the entire conference. Feel free to join and ask any questions you have, technical or not. We will also monitor email and social media throughout the day.

The help desk can also open breakout rooms for you to use for "coffee chats". Feel free to use this to meet up with colleagues, friends, or however else might be useful during the conference!

2021 Math In Action Virtual Conference Schedule


A: 9:00 - 10:00 am

B: 10:15 - 11:15 am

C: 12:15 - 1:15 pm

D: 1:30 - 2:30 pm


Explore and Connect: A Look Into the Essential Instructional Practices in Early Mathematics

Dana Gosen, Oakland Schools and Kim Fox, Calhoun Intermediate School District

We will engage with scenarios selected to illustrate some of the Essential Instructional Practices for Early Mathematics. With these scenarios in mind, educators will reflect on their current use of these practices and consider potential connections to other content areas.

Resource: Essential Instructional Practices for Early Mathematics: Prekindergarten to Grade 3 

Resource: Slides

Resource: Agenda with links

ELEMENTARY KEYNOTE: Moving Toward Joy in Mathematics Teaching

Amy Noelle-Parks 

This talk will look at the role of joy in mathematics teaching and learning, drawing on research in psychology, philosophy, and mathematics education. We will think together about when teachers and children are happiest in mathematics classrooms and to make connections between these moments of joy and the kinds of instructional practices most research recommends – allowing choices about strategies and materials, promoting conversations, and providing rich tasks. The basic premise of the talk is this: Learning mathematics is a rare instance where what feels good actually is good for us. 

Mathematical Play and Tinkering

Shari McCarty, Aquinas College

Aquinas College student presenters: Karen Osborn, Linda Slotegraaf, Jonathon Paauwe, Emma Bailey, Matthew Volk

Highlighting mathematical ideas in children's play to develop mathematical language. Participants will explore promoting spatial reasoning, measurement and quantity for PK - 2 children while encouraging choice, creativity and engagement.

Resource: Slides

Interactive Number-Sense Routines

Rusty Anderson, Kent Intermediate School District

Number-sense routines focus children on developing mental strategies for seeing quantity and working flexibly with numbers. This session will center on the "how" of a few routines that educators can use in their classrooms.


Math Everywhere!

Shari McCarty, Aquinas College

Aquinas College student presenters: Emily Adams, Lauren Starke, Margaret Besson, Olivia Mock, Anne-Marie Shumaker, Michael Morrison

Come explore the relationship of mathematics in other areas of content. Examples for the use of intentional infusion of mathematics as part of the student's cultural and social worlds.

Resource: Slides

Resource: Life skills multiplication form


Amy Noelle-Parks

(See above for title, description, and link)

Centers Based Instruction without Losing Your Sanity!

Kevin Dykema, Mattawan Middle School

Preparation, classroom management, differentiation all make using centers challenging. Come learn new strategies and hear ideas to make center learning meaningful for students and realistic for teachers. See how manipulatives can be used to engage your students at centers.

Resource: Slides

Developing Multiplication Facts

Kristin Frang, Muskegon Intermediate School District

Learning basic multiplication facts is one gateway to higher mathematics. In this session, participants will explore strategies and tools that promote the development of multiplication facts and consider how to use students' strengths to build mathematical identities.

Special Requests: Attendees should have a Google account to use tools, including Google Jamboard.


Collaborative Tools

Tara Maynard, Creekside Middle School

Description: Teachers need to see student work, their thinking and be able to give feedback. Come learn about different web-based sites that allow teachers and students to collaborate as well as students to collaborate with each other.

Special Requests: Participants can make the most of this session if they have two web enabled devices: One to participate on Zoom and another to see other web pages at the same time.

Resource: Slides

Let's Hear it for the Math

Erin Scholes, Mabelle B Avery Middle School

Videos are a great form of assessment, you can hear student thinking, and no paper collection needed! We will discuss different technology tools that can be used by students to explain their thinking and understanding of mathematics. We will explore ScreenCastify, Showbie, and FlipGrid, along with possibilities for digital whiteboards. 

Special requests: Participants can make the most of this session if they have two web enabled devices: Log into Zoom from your secondary device, so that you can load apps and technology onto the device you use most frequently and try them right along with the presentation. 

Resource: Slides

SECONDARY KEYNOTE: Creating the Conditions to Surface Every Student's Thinking

Sara VanDerWerf

All students have a lot to say about how they make sense of mathematics. Engaging students in routines designed to create safe spaces to share their ideas is key to surfacing every student's reasoning. This work begins with teachers critically looking at the often-invisible structures that block or support all students in sharing their ideas.

Using Technology to Foster Equitable Access and Making Thinking Visible

Geraldine Devine and Jennifer Curtis, Oakland Schools

Participants will explore geometric patterns both concretely and algebraically using Zoom annotation tools and Desmos. Reflecting on their own engagement, participants will name ways in which the technology has potential to increase sense making, dialogue, and building positive identities.

Resource: Slides


Empowering Mathematics

Zach Cresswell, Mt. Pleasant High School

Mathematics should empower students. Pulling on my experience designing a math elective called, "Critical Thinking," I will define empowerment, show how it differs from social justice education, and propose apolitical methods to develop students into courageous problem solvers. Discussion is encouraged!

Resource: Pre-survey

Resource: Slides

Feedback, Feedback, Feedback

David Sladkey, Naperville Central High School, Illinois

This session will focus on the ways in which we can give digital feedback without driving ourselves crazy with prep work. Please be ready to share/explore/practice real time feedback techniques that are quick, easy and effective.

Resource: Presentation


Sara VanDerWerf

(See above for title, description, and link)

Learning in a Hybrid World

Chris Conrad, Allegan High School

How to use Google Tools, Desmos, and Geogebra to communicate with and engage students in learning mathematics in a hybrid social distancing class. What worked? What am I keeping when we return?

Special Requests: It will be helpful to have a Geogebra account to practice making and sharing Geogebra files. 

Resource: Learning in a Hybrid World

All grades

Supporting Productive Struggle through Manipulatives

Kevin Dykema, Mattawan Middle School

Supporting productive struggle involves utilizing rich mathematical tasks that engage students. Manipulatives are utilized as a representation to help each and every student with tasks by providing an entry point. Additional strategies to support productive struggle will be shared.

Resource: Slides


Addressing Inequity through Professional Dialogue

Perla Hatch, Great Minds

There is a vast achievement gap in our math classrooms and it is often starkly divided on cultural and racial lines. The first step to changing this structural inequity is gathering broad acknowledgement of it. Let's discuss ways to engage in conversation on this 'impolite' topic with any coworker. 

Resource: Slides

Help desk


Page last modified February 26, 2021