WEATHER ALERT: GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Classes shift to remote.
Presentations in 2001
Akalu Tefera. MultInt: A Maple Package for Multiple Integration Using the WZ-Method. The Annual Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.
Ed Aboufadel, Will Dickinson, and Rany Pruim (Calvin College). Who Wants To Be a Math Millionaire. The Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference.
Char Beckmann. Playing with Pascal's Triangle. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
Dave Coffey and K. Coffey. Ways to Make Ten. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
Pam Wells. If It’s Positive, then It’s Increasing: Using Writing Assignments to Foster Deep
Understanding of Calculus. Mathematics in Action, Grand Valley State University.
R. Verhey, T. Husband, and Char Beckmann. Building Bridges: MET and CBMS Recommendations for the Preparation of Teachers of Mathematics. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Char Beckmann. Standards Based Mathematics Curriculum at the College Level. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Matt Boelkins and T. Ratliff. How we use Email to get our Students to Read the Text Before Class. Central Michigan University Mathematics Department Seminar.
Matt Boelkins. On Using the Web in Teaching Mathematics. Project NeXT presentation, the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Gary Klingler. Pierre + Pascal = Probability and Other Historical (and Herstorical) Episodes and Problems. The Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Akalu Tefera. A Brief Tour of MultInt: A Maple Package for Multiple Integration. The Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Ed Aboufadel. Applications of Cryptography and Math Millionaire. Beaver Island Public Schools as part of the Michigan Section of the MAA Visiting High School Lecturer Program.
Esther Billings and D. Klanderman. College Students’ Misconceptions of the Graphical Representations of Speed. Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences, Calvin College.
Ted Sundstrom. Exploration, Proof, and Writing in Mathematics. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America.
Rebecca Walker. Student Voices on the Transition from Standards-Based High School Mathematics to College Mathematics. The Annual Summer Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.
Esther Billings and Pam Wells. Activities that Help Students Explore the Concept of Prime Numbers. Regional Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Char Beckmann and Esther Billings. Figuring Fitness: Healthy Math for Middle Schoolers. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference.
Char Beckmann, John Gabrosek (Statistics), and Phyliss Curtiss (Statistics). Wall of Infamy. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference.
Char Beckmann, A. Brush, and K. Dean. Math Walks. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference.
Marge Friar. Build, Sketch & Explore Patterns in Sequences of 3-Dimensional Shapes. Fire-Up! Conference for Student Teachers, Aquinas College.
Rebecca Walker. Insight into the Transition From the Core-Plus Mathematics Project Curriculum to College Mathematics. Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference.
Cathy Gardner, Jane Mays, and Mary Ellen Rivers. So Many Instructors! How Do the Students Get the Same Course? American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Annual Conference.