Following is a brief summary of UAS actions, please see the Universal Student Evaluation of Teaching Implementation Task Force (USETI) Final Report for more detail.

University Academic Senate Actions Related to LIFT

The university should adopt a standardized measure of student evaluations of faculty teaching that meets
contemporary standards for reliability and validity in psychometric measurement. The measure should
yield both quantitative and qualitative results. The university should also adopt a standardized platform
for administration of the measure (e.g., online software). The measure and platform should be used in all
units and colleges. Units and colleges may employ additional instruments separately from the university

UAS directs USETI to develop implementation plans for the IASystem, using as many of the forms in that
system as make sense and seeking input from stakeholders on campus.

1-1: Recommends creation and composition of University Student Evaluation Advisory Committee.

1-2: Recommends creation of a complete “Procedures” document.

1-3: Recommends delivery of all LIFT questionnaires via online system.

1-4: Recommends that faculty will set aside 15 minutes of class time for students to complete the evaluations.

1-5: Recommends that students also be able to access the forms outside of class time.

1-6: Recommend that forms will be open during the 2 weeks prior to final exams.

1-7: Recommends creation of short videos to inform students about how and why to provide appropriate feedback.

1-8: Recommends communications to students assuring their confidentiality.

2-1: Recommends naming the system Laker Impressions of Faculty Teaching (LIFT)

2-2: Recommends use in all course sections and for all instructors, with exceptions at the department/school discretion for small sections and team-taught courses.

2-3: Recommends that LIFT system results contribute no more than one third of the overall rating of a faculty member's teaching. Further encourages the development of
standardized procedures for peer reviews to be used in tenure/promotion decisions.

2-4: Recommends that departments/schools should determine appropriate LIFT questionnaire forms by course and instruction type.

2-5: Recommends that additional questions (whether added by the unit or the individual instructor) be limited to eight questions.

2-6: Recommends that requests for additional reporting be handled by the Office of Institutional Analysis.

3-1:  Recommends conditions under which faculty members may defer use of LIFT system for course evaluations

3-2: Recommends per-course participation target at 70%

3-3: Recommends guidance to departments/schools on the use of LIFT reports for personnel considerations

3-4: Recommends future examination of LIFT results to study the appropriateness of the data for personnel and course evaluations


1. Affirms the LIFT Committee’s decision to delete a question regarding “Clarity of instructor’s voice” on Form A and to use the GVSU form instead.
2. Recommends that a student representative appointed by the Student Senate be added to the LIFT Advisory Committee.
3. Grants the LIFT Committee the authority to delete objectionable formative items from standard surveys.

[ECS action: Nov 11, 2016]

MOTION: The Executive Committee of the Senate supports the creation of an UPLIFT Taskforce.
APPROVED Unanimously

MOTION: The Executive Committee of the Senate forwards the material developed at the meeting to the task forces as charges for consideration.
APPROVED Unanimously

MOTION: The Executive Committee of the Senate supports the slate of nominees as presented at the meeting.
APPROVED Unanimously

Page last modified December 14, 2015