Zoom Updates July 2022

Updates to Zoom Web Portal

Changes to existing features

Admin features

  • Language interpretation available for paid users - The Language Interpretation feature is available for all users on Pro, Business, and Enterprise accounts. These users can enable this setting on their accounts. Previously, Zoom had to enable this feature. This allows the host to designate participants as interpreters on the web portal or during a Zoom session.
  • Changes to Google permissions authorization process for calendar and contacts integration - Google is disabling the embedded browser for the authorization process. When an account is using the Mail, Calendar, and Contacts integration with Google, account owners and admins must select the permissions directly in the Zoom web portal.
  • Webinar chat settings separate from meeting chat settings - Account owners and admins can enable or disable in-webinar chat settings in the Zoom web portal, separately from in-meeting chat. Previously, meeting and webinar chat settings were combined. 

New and Enhanced Features

Admin features

  • Admin meeting and webinar templates - Account owners and admins can enable and create advanced meetings and webinar templates. These apply user-level settings, such as who can share in a meeting or whether reactions can be used in a webinar. Webinar templates can also apply to scheduling-level settings, such as whether registration should be used for webinars. This setting can be enabled at the account, group, and user levels. Once enabled, an admin must create templates and assign them to groups or users for use. 
  • Additional features added for “Follow the user in-meeting” policy - Account owners and admins can restrict which in-meeting features users on the account have access to when joining both internal and external meetings. The administrator can restrict features for external meetings only or all meetings the user joins, as required. Zoom must enable this feature for non-enterprise accounts. This feature is supported on desktop clients (Windows, macOS, Linux), mobile apps (iOS, Android), and web clients. The option to restrict the following features was added:
    • New Whiteboard
    • Live transcription in meetings and webinars
    • Direct messaging in meetings and webinars
    • Enable computer audio
    • Meeting and webinar reactions
    • Hide participant profile pictures in meetings

User features

  • End-to-end encryption (E2EE) support for breakout rooms - Users can use breakout rooms in meetings that have E2EE enabled. One participant in each breakout room is randomly assigned as a leader to read and verify the security codes. This feature requires client version 5.11.3 or higher.

Device management features

  • Import a list of Zoom Room devices in Device List - Account owners and admins can import a list of Android Zoom Room devices before logging in the devices. Once the devices are imported, admins can view their information and assign them to a room or user. This process will help admins quickly manage and deploy their Android Zoom Room devices.

Updates to the Zoom Desktop Client

Changes to existing features

Chat features

  • Change to Zoom Chat default settings - To help improve the Zoom Chat experience, we have changed the default settings for new users on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Existing users will not be affected by the changes. Updated default settings include:
    • Enabled by default: Show Code Snippet, Show Link Preview*, Move messages with new replies to the bottom of the chat*, Show profile photos next to Direct Messages*. (*These changes may also affect the default  Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) and Group Policy Object (GPO) policies.)
    • Disabled by default: Separate my chats and channels sections.

New and enhanced features

General features

  • View profile cards during meetings - If account admins allow, users can view other participants' Zoom profile cards from within a meeting. Profile cards also include a participant’s local time to aid in coordinating time zones between users. This is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Chat features

  • Support for suppressing channel removal notifications for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS - Admins can suppress deleted or deactivated user notifications in group chats and channels.
  • Sidebar and folders enhancements for Windows and macOS - The Starred section has moved to the top of the sidebar, above all folders. A new caret menu to the right of the Chat title includes options to Create a Channel, Join a Channel, Create a Folder, and Add a Bot. The preview of unread Chats or Channels that appears when hovering over an unread badge on a collapsed folder or section will now include @all or @me mentions.
  • Support for adding users to a channel in bulk - Zoom Chat channel admins can copy and paste a list of email addresses to add members to an existing channel in bulk. Separate emails are detected by a space, semicolon, comma, or new line.

Webinar features

  • Simultaneous sharing for panelists - Webinar panelists can now simultaneously share presentations. This is the same functionality that is already available in Zoom Meetings. Attendees can choose which screen to view, such as seeing the content in their language when a presentation is shared in multiple languages. This feature requires Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, or iOS versions 5.11.0 or higher. Simultaneous panelists sharing is not supported when Webinar Backstage is enabled.
  • Support for Zoom Apps in Webinars on Windows and macOS - Webinar panelists can launch Zoom Apps during their webinars and share their view of the app with attendees. For some apps, attendees can be invited to open the app and collaborate with the panelists. This feature requires version 5.10.6.

Updates to Zoom Phone

Changes to existing features

Admin features

  • UI enhancement for Customize Zoom Phone Regions setting - The description for the Customize Zoom Phone Regions setting has been updated to explain where data in transit is flowing. In failover scenarios, traffic may flow into a region that is not selected. For example, Frankfurt fails over to Amsterdam even if Amsterdam is not selected. Admins will need to review the settings and accept the change.

New and enhanced features 

Admin features

  • Enable end-to-end encryption - Account owners and admins can enable end-to-end encryption for more protection in their internal phone conversations. This feature applies to Zoom Phone calls between two users on the same account that occur via the Zoom client.
  • Enhancement to call handling duration option - Account owners, admins, and users can select 10 seconds in their call handling settings for ring duration and max wait time. Previously, the lowest duration was 15 seconds.

Updates to Zoom Events

New and enhanced features

General Features

  • Web browser support for Zoom Events - Attendees, hosts, speakers, and other special roles can now join and experience Zoom Events from a web browser. This new feature includes a web-based Zoom Events experience. Additionally, participants can join expo from the event lobby on a web browser. The web browser support for expo gives users the same experience as they would have on the Zoom desktop client. This also includes a web-based Sponsors tab where attendees can view expo sponsor information. Previously, Zoom Events was only available on the desktop client. Note: Web-based sessions and web-based expo are only available on desktop web browsers for attendees.

Host features

  • Customizable sponsorship tier labels - Event organizers can now rename sponsorship tier labels for their event. Zoom Events will provide the default tiers (Platinum, Gold, and Silver) that event organizers can rename. Changes to sponsor tier names will be reflected in the event details page, the Sponsors tab (within the event lobby), and expo (if expo is enabled and only in non-spatial view).
  • Enhancements to registration management - Hosts can now determine attendees’ tickets by viewing attendee ticket names and registration source in registration management. Hosts can also scroll horizontally to view all information on the registration management interface.

Chat features

  • Web-based chat - Attendees can now access Zoom Events chat outside the Zoom desktop client and mobile app, allowing more flexibility in developing new Zoom Events-specific chat formats.
  • Differentiate users with special roles in chat - In Zoom Events chat, special roles – like hosts, speakers, sponsors, and moderators — will be differentiated with a displayed title and different colored text bubbles.
  • Block/unblock other participants in group chats - In group chats, attendees can selectively block and unblock other participants in group and expo chats. They can also report messages and users to the event organizer and moderator. The block list is available in the Zoom web portal or Zoom client settings.

Payment and billing features

  • Centralized billing control - Account admins can enable or disable paid events and fundraising at the corporate account level within the Zoom Events platform. Additionally, a payment method and billing address can be selected at the hub level.

Updates to Zoom Rooms

New and enhanced features

In-meeting features

  • Zoom Smart Camera Auto-framing for Win and Mac - Auto-framing automatically adjusts the camera view to cover all participants in the room. This feature now works with all Zoom-certified cameras. When Smart Gallery is enabled, the primary camera view will also use auto-framing.
  • Watermark enhancements for Win, Mac, Appliances, ZP Appliances, and iPad ZR - Meeting hosts can edit the visual watermark, and turn it on or off during a meeting. Watermarks will display the entire email address over a participant’s shared screen and video tile, as well as displayed over their video in most video layouts (Speaker, Gallery, Side-by-side). The watermark is also visibly more apparent as a tiled pattern across the video or shared screen.

Business Updates

  • Zoom Software Lifecycle Policy - We plan to implement our new Software Lifecycle Policy on November 5, 2022, for all products and services, starting with the minimum versions referenced in the table found here. Users running an end-of-life version after November 5 will not be able to join meetings via the Zoom Client and will be prompted to update or join from the Web browser. As always, we highly recommend you regularly download and update to the latest version of Zoom software by checking for updates within the Zoom client or by navigating to zoom.us/download to take advantage of all our latest security and functionality features.
  • Migration from Chrome OS App to Zoom PWA required - As we end support for the Zoom Chrome OS App in August, we are asking customers to switch to the Zoom progressive web applications (PWA). Account administrators can migrate all users by clicking into account management > account settings > and then enabling the "Auto-launch PWA when joining a meeting on Chrome OS." The app will no longer be searchable in the Chrome Web Store after Nov. 5, 2022. 

Page last modified October 4, 2022