News & Statements

Haas Statement on Sexual Assault/Harassment Reporting & Support Services

January 30, 2018

Dear Campus Community,

At Grand Valley State University, we take seriously our responsibility to care for our students, faculty, and staff in addressing sexual assault and sexual harassment in all of its forms. In doing so, we seek to hold people accountable for their behavior regardless of role or position. Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect and to be safe on campus.

In light of the national dialogue surrounding these issues, and the impact they have on those affected, of primary importance is making sure our community knows where to report and how to access support. Below is a list of university resources with more information available at our Victim Rights and Options website at

We continually strive to create a Grand Valley culture where we hold each other accountable and where systems and processes are created with students’ best interests in mind. It is of paramount importance to me that the safety and security of our campus are shared by all of us.

Very respectfully,

Thomas J. Haas,



Campus Resources and Filing a Report

Title IX Coordinator and Equity Officer/Director, Theresa Rowland: 4000 Zumberge Hall (JHZ), (616) 331-9530, 

Grand Valley State University Police Department: Facilities Services Building (SER), (616) 331-3255,

Campus Victim Advocate, Krystal Diel: 1201 Kirkhof Center (KC), (616) 331-2748,

Additional Reporting Options, including anonymous reporting is available at

Other Resources

Dean of Students: 202 Student Services Building (STU), (616) 331-3585,

University Counseling Center (Allendale): 204 Student Services Building (STU), (616) 331-3266,

Milton E. Ford Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center: 1161 Kirkhof Center (KC), (616) 331-2530,

Encompass, Employee Assistance Program: 1090 Zumberge Hall (JHZ), 800-788-8630,

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Page last modified January 30, 2018