End of Year RA Awards

Recognizing our Resident Assistants

End of the Year RA Awards are intended to recognize and celebrate all the hard work our staff has done this year. Each staff can work together to collectively nominate one person per category. Our awards will be presented at the Student Life Awards on Friday, April 14th from 5-7:30pm and again at our RA End of the Year Brunch. 

We thank you for the hard work all of our staff have done this year and look forward to celebrating your accomplishments! 

Award Categories


This award recognizes an outstanding student staff member for their contributions to their residents, their community, their role, fellow RAs, Residence Life, and to Grand Valley. This award is given to one staff member.

Submission Guidelines: Please detail the work that this person has contributed to serve the residents and fellow staff members in their community in which they work. Additionally, include examples about how this staff member makes positive contributions in their mentor role, to fellow RAs, the department of Residence Life, and to the entire Grand Valley community. Limit: Approximately 400 Words.


This award recognizes the outstanding programming efforts of our staff in creating intentional learning and interacting opportunities for our residents based on the overall effort of program coordinator(s) and student impact. One award will be given for this category.

Submission Guidelines: Please detail the purpose and goals of the program. Describe how this program addressed the needs of the community and include any subject matter. Describe the creativity and uniqueness involved in the program planning and execution. Be sure to include any creative efforts regarding: prep time, prep work, advertising, and other coordination efforts. Only RA programs will be considered for this award. If the program was a collaboration with Community Council, RHA, another student organization, office or department, please include it in the nomination. Limit: Approximately 600 Words.

Page last modified March 11, 2024