News from Grand Valley State University

Faculty and staff sketches

yellow daffodils highlighted in front of a building, with carillon tower in background
Faculty and staff members who gave presentations or published articles are listed below.
Image credit - Valerie Hendrickson

In the News

The GVSU International City/County Management Association graduate student organization, along with CMU’s chapter, won first place for the Annual Student Chapter Best Event contest. The national recognition included $900 in prize money to help students attend the annual conference. The GVSU and CMU chapters created a joint virtual conference, “Michigan Emerging Leaders Student Local Government Conference.” More than 100 people attended.


Faculty and staff members who have given virtual presentations or had their research published are detailed below. The campus community can self-submit a sketch online for future publication. 

Richard Rediske, professor of water resources, and a student gave a presentation, "Investigation of Escherichia coli Coliform contamination in the Pigeon River Watershed," at the virtual Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Conference.

Jim McNair, associate professor of water resources, was a co-author of an article, "A Stochastic Model of Epilithic Algal Succession and Patch Dynamics in Streams," published in Ecosphere.

Carl Ruetz, associate professor of water resources, and a graduate student gave a presentation, "Fish Community Response to Shoreline Structure and Latitudinal Gradient in Drowned River Mouths of Eastern Lake Michigan," at the virtual meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.

Center for Adult and Continuing Studies staff members Simone Jonaitis, Kate VanDerKolk, Shawn Jenkins and Jacquelyn Abeyta gave a presentation, "Transitioning to Accelerated, Online, and Adult Focused in Less Than a Year," at the University Professional and Continuing Education Association virtual conference.

Melissa Peraino, director of educational outreach for the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies, gave a presentation, "Program Planning and Implementation: Balancing Mission and Margin," at the University Professional and Continuing Education Association virtual conference.

Sarah Nechuta, assistant professor of public health, was a co-author of an article, "Characteristics of fatal Opioid Overdoses with Stimulant Involvement in Tennessee: A Descriptive Study Using 2018 State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System Data," published in the Annals of Epidemiology.

Sookkyung Cho, associate professor of piano, produced a CD, "Schubert's 1817 Sonatas." 

Taylor Boyd, assessment specialist, Office of the Provost, and a student gave a presentation, "Preparing for a Successful Accreditation Visit: Tangible and Adaptable Planning Procedures," at the IUPUI Assessment Institute.

Erik Nordman, professor of biology; Paul Isely, professor of economics; and Julie Cowie, MVE-Lab program manager, gave a presentation, "Economic Impact of Shoreline Remediation and Habitat Restoration in the Muskegon Lake Area of Concern," at the Social Cost of Water Pollution Workshop. Nordman also wrote an article, "Landslide Risk Assessment in St. Vincent and the Grenadines," for a publication by the Global RCE Network.


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