Meijer Campus hosts conference for high school seniors

The Meijer Campus in Holland hosted a two-day conference for Holland High School seniors, "Adulting 101."
With help from Grand Valley staff members, seniors rotated through a series of presentations on April 11 that centered on budgeting, goal setting, resume and job interview skills, and time management techniques.
The second day was facilitated by staff members from the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan, who gave presentations on the "be nice." campaign, which provides K-12 students, staff and parents with tools to recognize a mental illness and steps to take a proactive approach.
Grand Valley staff members who facilitated workshops were Gabe Pena, Student Academic Success Center; Lisa Knapp, Career Center; Yumi Jakobcic, Office of Sustainability; Suzy Herman and Emily Koons, Financial Aid Office; and Jane Marsman, Meijer Holland Campus.
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