News and Information

Internship Presentations December 10, 9-noon, DCIH 510/520

December 03, 2021

Internship Presentations December 10, 9-noon, DCIH 510/520

Dear Health and Bioinformatics Student, dear guest,

You are cordially invited to attend our Health Informatics and Bioinformatics student presentations on Friday, December 10. We will have 7 min. presentations of this year’s internship projects with approx. 3 min. time for discussion. You’ll find a tentative list with presenters and titles above.

Our HIB internship and capstone presentations from 9:00 - noon in person at  DCIH 510/520 and online together with the Data Science and Analytics presentations. Everybody is invited and it is a wonderful opportunity - that you shouldn’t miss - to learn more about internships and informatics. I invite you to attend the presentations in person at the new DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health (Laker Line stop Lafayette) on the 5th floor DCIH 510/520 or attend online via BB Collaborate Ultra. The link is below.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I hope to see you all on Friday, December 10.


Guenter Tusch


BB Collaborate Ultra:

The guest link for the session is on Blackboard Collaborate

and the phone dial in is +1-571-392-7650.   PIN: 561 345 6181.

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Page last modified December 3, 2021