News and Information
Internship Presentations December 10, 9-noon, DCIH 510/520
December 03, 2021
Dear Health and Bioinformatics Student, dear guest,
You are cordially invited to attend our Health Informatics and Bioinformatics student presentations on Friday, December 10. We will have 7 min. presentations of this year’s internship projects with approx. 3 min. time for discussion. You’ll find a tentative list with presenters and titles above.
Our HIB internship and capstone presentations from 9:00 - noon in person at DCIH 510/520 and online together with the Data Science and Analytics presentations. Everybody is invited and it is a wonderful opportunity - that you shouldn’t miss - to learn more about internships and informatics. I invite you to attend the presentations in person at the new DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health (Laker Line stop Lafayette) on the 5th floor DCIH 510/520 or attend online via BB Collaborate Ultra. The link is below.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I hope to see you all on Friday, December 10.
Guenter Tusch
BB Collaborate Ultra:
The guest link for the session is on Blackboard Collaborate
and the phone dial in is +1-571-392-7650. PIN: 561 345 6181.