SWS Workshop: Commenting on Student Writing Effectively and Efficiently

Friday, October 16, 2020
2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Faculty, Staff

A writing consultant sits next to a student and reviews a piece of writing

SWS Director, Jerry Stinnett, will offer a research-based approach to commenting on student writing that most effectively fosters student development. We will discuss what the research tells us about how writing works and how students learn to do it to help us cut extraneous effort and time-consuming, but ultimately, unproductive commenting practices. The workshop will then turn to more specific, concrete strategies for making the process of commenting on student writing as efficient and painless as possible.

Please RSVP to register for the workshop.

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Contact Information

Jerry Stinnett, PhD
SWS Director
[email protected]


online sws teaching

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This event was added to the calendar by Alex Priebe (priebeal@gvsu.edu) on Monday, September 21, 2020 and was last updated on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 1:08 p.m.