Spain Intercultural Communication (Student Athletes): Study Abroad Info Session

Thursday, January 21, 2021
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Are you interested in studying abroad on the Spain Intercultural Communication (Student Athletes) program? Join us for this info session! Chat live with the program director and learn more about this program! 

About the program: 

Ourense, Spain — This Study Abroad program focuses on building intercultural communication skills and competence for careers in business, health, education and more. Students will live with Spanish host families, experience the diverse language and culture of the region, and engage in discussions on cultural awareness. Students will participate in a minimum of 20 hours of service learning placements in schools or a medical setting. Students will begin their journey in Ourense, located in the beautiful Galicia region of Northern Spain. We will continue our exploration of Spain through field trips to Madrid, Santiago de Compostela, “Old Santiago”, and more. The 3-credit course offered during this program will fulfill General Education requirements, making it attractive to students from any major. This program was designed to be accessible to NCAA student-athletes. There will be ample access to facilities and time for work-outs in order to accommodate training schedules.

Check out the VIDEO from the 2019 trip! 

Click here for additional information

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Location Information

You will be sent a Zoom link to join when you register. 

Contact Information

Alissa Lane
Program Director
[email protected]

Sandra Miller
Program Director
[email protected]

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This event was added to the calendar by Alissa Lane ( on Monday, January 18, 2021 at 9:45 a.m.