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CHM 115 to CHM 100 parachute information page
What is the parachute option?
The Chemistry Department offers students who are struggling in CHM 115 the option to transfer to a lower-level preparatory class during the early part of the semester. This "parachute" option allows students to transfer to CHM 100, which is designed to help them with basic Chemistry principles, Math concepts and study skills. The goal is to help students get ready to take CHM 115 in a future semester (typically the next term).
How does the parachute affect your transcript?
If you opt for the parachute, your transcript will only show CHM 100 for that term--there will be no indication that you were ever in CHM 115.
Please note:
- CHM 115 is 4 cr. and CHM 100 is 3 cr. Make sure that you speak to an advisor if you are concerned about how any change in total credits will affect full-time status, athletic eligibility or financial aid.
- You will receive a 100% refund for the CHM 115 course and are expected to pay for the CHM 100 course at the time of the switch. This should resolve itself by applying any refund from CHM 115 to CHM 100.
- CHM 100 will be a fresh start--the grades you earned in CHM 115 will not count against you for the remainder of the semester.
Who can select the parachute option?
The parachute option is not open to everyone. Eligibility criteria include:
- scoring below a certain percentage on the first major evaluation
- attending lecture regularly
- completing most homework assignments
If you are eligible for the parachute option, you will receive an invitation to make an appointment with your instructor to discuss your options. You may also wish to talk this over with your academic advisor.
The decision to transfer to CHM 100 is always up to you--if you receive an email from your instructor letting you know that you are eligible, you are not required to parachute.
When can students parachute from CHM 115 to CHM 100?
The parachute option is only available during a defined window, which is typically after the first major evaluation in CHM 115, and usually ends on the Friday of the fourth week of class. Please note that students can transfer from CHM 115 to CHM 100 during the normal add/drop period which is the first week of class--that is not considered a "parachute".
Parachute window: Fourth week of classes
Parachute deadline: 3:00 pm, Friday of the fourth week of class
What is the process for signing up for the parachute
If you have received an email indicating you are eligible, please meet with your CHM 115 instructor to discuss the parachute option. If you decide to transfer, your instructor will give you a link to a form that will allow you to sign up. The form indicates what sections of CHM 100 are available this term, and you will need to indicate which section fits with your schedule.
After your submit the form, the transfer process will be initiated on your behalf. You will not have to follow the normal late add/drop procedure, or fill out any additional forms. You will receive an email when the transfer process takes place. For further information, please contact your CHM 115 instructor, or Prof. Dave Leonard (312 PAD, [email protected], 616-331-3241)