York Creek Management Plan - Project Cost Estimates

11. Project Cost Estimates

Costs estimates for implementing the activities proposed in this document include the following:

Staffing Costs: $ 342,000
Total BMP Costs: $ 308,800

- in critical area: $ 278,800
- in other areas: $ 10,000

Total Information/Education Costs: $ 85,150
Total Lab Costs: $ 8,500 Total Equipment/Supplies Costs: $ 17,700

Total Implementation Period Costs: $ 762,150

There are a number of potential funding sources which might be utilized in achieving our goals. In addition to the federal Section 319 funding being used for the development of this report, there exist funding sources in other governmental departments and agencies. Among these are the following:

  • Section 205 (j) (1) of the Clean Water Act, for general water quality planning;
  • Michigan Public Acts 316 and 317, loan programs for governmental agencies to enable them to construct water pollution control projects under Sections 212, 319, and 320 of the Clean Water Act
  • Great Lakes Protection Fund, related to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and the Toxic Substance Control Agreement
  • Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, Agriculture Conservation Program
  • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Local development grants
  • Non-profit agencies such as Trout Unlimited, Sierra Club, service clubs, etc.
  • Local corporate sponsors

Page last modified January 19, 2011