York Creek Management Plan - Agencies Involved in Project Implementation

7. Agencies Involved in Project Implementation

Implementation of the Management Plan will be undertaken by a variety of individuals, agencies, and local units of government. Alpine Township has agreed to assume the role of lead agency during the implementation process and, as such, will be informed of or involved to some degree in all implementation activities. Other agencies with potential for involvement in the implementation process include the following, with recommended actions for each:

City of Walker

  • Inspection and repair of existing stormwater controls
  • Participation in all activities regarding the Alpine-Walker Drain
  • Review of soil erosion and sedimentation control inspection, site plan review, and enforcement procedures
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Participation in design and/or construction of instream sediment trap after sediment sources are controlled
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Plainfield Township

  • Participation in design and/or construction of instream sediment trap
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Kent County Road Commission

  • Inspection and repair of those road crossings which are negatively impacting York Creek
  • Review of soil erosion and sedimentation permitting, inspection, and enforcement procedures
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Contribution of technical assistance regarding site specific BMP selection
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Kent County Drain Commission

  • Participation in all activities regarding the Alpine-Walker Drain
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Contribution of technical assistance regarding site specific BMP selection
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Kent County Health Department

  • Inclusion of York Creek in Kent County coliform bacteria monitoring
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service - Kent County

  • Contribution of technical assistance for chemical management, streambank restoration, and habitat restoration matters
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Contribution of educational materials
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Michigan Department of Transportation

  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Inspection and maintenance of Alpine Avenue and US 131 road crossings over York Creek and its tributaries

MSU Cooperative Extension Service - Kent County

  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Contribution of technical assistance and educational materials
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

West Michigan Environmental Action Council

  • Contribution of existing educational materials and assistance in developing York Creek-specific educational materials
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Expansion of Adopt-A-Stream and drain stenciling programs in the watershed
  • Continued participation in watershed advisory committee

Michigan Department of Natural Resources

  • Review and permitting of all instream and riparian activities regarding this project
  • Participation with other local agencies to evaluate and/or adopt pro-active stormwater and sedimentation control ordinances
  • Technical assistance/training of local officials
  • Technical assistance in selection of site specific BMP selection
  • Guidance in administrative and procedural matters

Page last modified January 19, 2011