Bear Creek Stewardship Plan - Public Policy Initiatives

As a part of its continuation, the Bear Creek Watershed Project anticipates significant involvement in the development or modification of public policy over the next several years. These public policy initiative can be broken down into the following program components:

a. Research

This component will support formal research into city, county, township and state ordinances regarding water quality. Special emphasis will be placed upon projects with applicability to watersheds approximately the same size as Bear Creek which have related concerns.

The research will be prepared in written form, edited, and prepared for distribution to public officials, citizens, and others.

b. Presentation Materials

The Project will secure a permanent display booth. Funds will be used for materials, design, construction, maintenance, and storage. Furthermore, the display booth will have a wide range of printed materials for distribution from the booth at meetings, forums, and other community presentations.

This booth will be constructed in the first year of the implementation Project and thereafter, it will be revised or modified, as needed, utilized, maintained, and stored.

c. Consultation on Public Policy

The GVSU Water Resources Institute has available a software package to facilitate ongoing consultation and dialogue with township officials, especially planning staff. This software will assist in making land use decisions at a watershed level.

d. Ordinance Development

All of the townships in the watershed need assistance in the development of appropriate ordinances to preserve, protect and restore the features identified as important to the survival of the Bear Creek Watershed. Funds secured under this section will be used to procure legal advice, to research options, and prepare, review and modify suggested ordinances or laws.

The Watershed Project will also provide expert testimony and consultation not only to townships, but to Kent County, metropolitan area agencies, and the State of Michigan on matters which impact the watershed.

Page last modified January 19, 2011