Muskegon Area Sustainablity Coalition - A Model Resolution

Muskegon Area Sustainability Coalition | A Shared Vision | A Model Resolution | Potential Indicators | Coalition Members | Additional Resources

SUPPORT FOR Muskegon Area Sustainablity Coalition

WHEREAS, the focus of Sustainability is to enrich and secure the future of the Greater Muskegon Community by preserving our natural resources, providing economic vitality and fostering social justice; and

WHEREAS, the Muskegon Area Sustainability Coalition invites open participation by units of government, institutions, non-profit entities, business and industry in order to foster collaborations that will lead to a spirit of community entrepreneurship and systems oriented thinking; and

WHEREAS, emphasis is placed on the needs and interests of all citizens; and

WHEREAS, the Muskegon Area Sustainability Coalition acknowledges existing initiatives undertaken by both the private and public sectors that incorporate the values of Sustainability; and

WHEREAS, it is not the intent of the Coalition to duplicate any existing activities underway, but to strengthen such efforts by serving as a clearing house and discussion forum for activities, events and opportunities that advance principles and practices of Sustainability throughout the Muskegon region; and

WHEREAS, the following outcomes for the community can be expected:

1) Increased economic vitality in the region
2) Social justice and equity with more diverse representation 3) Reduction of environmental degradation 4) Improved quality of life for the overall community and region 5) Increased public understanding, awareness of, and engagement with sustainability efforts on a personal level

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the _______________________ endorses the Muskegon Area Sustainability Coalition and embraces the development of sustainability planning on a best effort basis.

Approved on this date of: ______________________

Page last modified January 19, 2011