Grand Valley Shakespeare  Festival

Announcing Fall 2024 Shakespeare Festival Season!

Devon Glover

The Sonnet Man, Devon Glover

Romeo and Juliet

Directed by Guest Director Patrick Poole

Featuring Special Guest Artist

Devon "The Sonnet Man" Glover

as Prince Escalus

“For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”

  • October 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 at 7:30 PM
  • October 6, 13 at 2PM
  • Louis Armstrong Theatre, Harris Center for the Performing Arts, Allendale Campus


Get your tickets!


Romeo and Juliet also features three secondary school student matinees. See Education and Outreach for more information

Romeo and Juliet Text

Related Events

Love Story, a Taylor Swift Carillon Event

Special Carillon Concert Event on October 11 at 5:30. 

GVSU Arts Celebration: The Sonnet Man

Monday, October 7, 2024, 7:00 pm, Free
Reception in to immediately follow the performance
Louis Armstrong Theater, Haas Center for the Performing Arts
INT 100 Approved

More Information 

Bard to Go Logo

Bard to Go: To Thine Own Self Be True

The touring production Bard to Go returns with a new production Bard to Go: To Thine Own Self Be True. Like many modern teens, Shakespeare's characters are often striving to discover and define their sense of self.  Bard to Go: To Thine Own Self Be True explores the ways in which Shakespearean characters gain independence, build their individual identities, and find their places in the world.  Bard to Go is a 50-minute program of scenes from multiple Shakespearean plays, and includes narration that will give your students context to the scenes and characters. 

Bard to Go will tour to West Michigan area schools October 11, 18, 25, and November 1.

  • Special Free Public Performance October 26 at 2PM. Linn Maxwell Keller Black Box Theatre, Thomas J. and Marcia J. Haas Center for the Performing Arts, Allendale Campus.

Grand Valley Shakespeare Festival Outreach Offerings

Educators, The Shakespeare Festival will offer two options for schools for Fall 2024

  • Mainstage matinee performances of Romeo and Juliet on October 8, 9, and 10th. 
  • Touring dates for Bard to Go coming to your school. Bard to Go will offer either morning or afternoon offerings on Fridays
    • October 11, 18, 25, and November 1

Online registration for both matinee performances and Bard to Go performances is now available!

Schools Letter with More Information

Watch for more information, exciting announcements, and more details soon!

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Page last modified September 25, 2024