
Robin Wall Kimmerer comes to GVSU

December 07, 2023

Robin Wall Kimmerer comes to GVSU

On November 8, GVSU welcomed national best-selling author Robin Wall Kimmerer for a deeply touching talk, "What Does the Earth Ask of Us?" The opening ceremony featured Native American drum group Wandering Nation, who performed both a heartfelt welcome song at the beginning of the presentation, and a soul-stirring travel song at the conclusion.

The audience was a beautiful blend of Native American tribe members, GVSU students, staff, faculty, and general public. Some individuals traveled hundreds of miles just to be present. As an estimated 600 attendees gathered in the Grand River Room at the Russel H. Kirkhof Center, an atmosphere of profound emotion enveloped the space. By the time the event concluded, tears flowed freely from many touched hearts.

The event was not confined to those physically present; it was also livestreamed on Zoom. Hundreds more joined remotely to witness this powerful presentation. For those unable to attend or watch live, a recording is now accessible through the Brooks College virtual event archive using a GVSU login.

Following the event, Robin shared an intimate lunch with a group of Native American students and community members. In a heartfelt gesture, she was presented with a sweetgrass braid by the Native American Student Association and the Native American Advisory Council. As they connected over their shared experiences, stories were shared and laughter mingled with tears.

Robin expressed her overwhelming emotions about this visit; she felt deeply honored and profoundly moved by seeing so many from her native family in attendance. With tears glistening in her eyes, she professed, "I will remember this day."

We are humbled by our ability to touch Robin's heart as her presence brought immense joy to all who attended this memorable event. To delve deeper into this extraordinary event, we invite you to read an article on GV Next that captures its essence beautifully, and view the photo gallery for the event on the Brooks College website.

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Page last modified December 7, 2023