TRIO Application

This application is for students interested in TRIO Student Support Services, TRIO SSS Teacher Prep, or TRIO SSS STEM-Health Sciences. If you are currently an active student in any of these programs please do not complete this application. Applications are reviewed prior to the fall and winter semesters. Email us at [email protected] with questions.

* denotes a required field

Personal Information

Education Information


Check ALL areas in which you feel SSS staff can assist you in the future. *

Signature *

By submitting this form, I agree that I have read and understand the following:

  • I understand that TRIO will collect information about my participation in the program for the purposes of developing statistical data, evaluating program efficacy, and assessing my academic and/or career needs.
  • I authorize the TRIO program(s) to gather information concerning my academic record from the Registrar’s Office, and my FAFSA from the Financial Aid Office prior to my participation and throughout my involvement in TRIO. I understand that this information is used to assist in the determination of my eligibility for the TRIO program and it will be held strictly confidential.
  • I understand I am giving permission to TRIO staff and financial aid staff to access my records and financial aid information in order to determine if I meet federal income guidelines.

Human Verification *

Page last modified July 12, 2023