Camps & Conference Housing FAQ

Where is check-in?

Generally, check-in will be in the living center in which your camp is assigned. Certain groups may designate a more convenient area depending on their camp schedule.  Check in time is generally 3 p.m., early times can be accommodated with prior approval.

What types of spaces can we reserving while on campus?

There are a wide variety of space available on campus such as the recreation center, pool, meeting areas, and space for rehearsal such as grass areas and parking lots.

What are our dining options that are available?

Camps can choose to dine at Fresh Food Company through reservation, or at Which Wich or Starbucks (limited summer hours). If you would like to dine at Fresh Food Company, please indicate on your reservation form.

Can campers bring their own linen?

Yes, guests can bring their own linen and towels with them, please note our beds are twin xl. We do have linen packs available for $10.00 per guest.  The linen packs include a fitted and flat sheet, blanket, pillow case, pillow, bath towel, hand towel, and wash cloth.

Where is check-out?

Check-out occurs in the lobby of the living center in which your camp is staying.  The latest check-out time is 12 p.m.

Are there vending machines in the building?

Most buildings on campus have vending machines located in each building. For a quick snack, The Marketplace or the POD Shop are also open during normal business hours.

Where is the closest grocery store?

Save-A-Lot (Less than a mile from campus west on Lake Michigan Drive)

Family Fare in Allendale (3 miles away west on Lake Michigan Drive)

Meijer in Standale (6 miles away east on Lake Michigan Drive)

Will there be other camps or conferences in our building with us?

At high volume times during the summer, we try our best to keep groups separated by building. If you are staying in a larger living center like Niemeyer, multiple camps may be in the building. Although there may be multiple camps in one building, camps are sectioned off by floor, wing of building, and/or age and gender.  If you need to be the only camp in a building, it is possible although all the building types may not be available. 

What are the hours of the front desk during the summer?

Our hours at the Holton Hooker front desk are usually 8- 5 p.m. Mon-Sun, but may vary depending on camp schedule. If you are in need of assistance, feel free to call our front desk at (616) 331-3332. Or, we can be reached 24/7 for on-call emergency at (616) 889-7498. 

Where can we park?

Guests can park free of charge in any of the residential lots on campus. For a map of specific lots guests can park in, please refer to the  GVSU parking rules. When referencing the map, all parking lots with the yellow R's are guest lots during the summer.  For more information please visit Grand Valley's parking rules and regulations.


Page last modified January 17, 2019