Become a Premium Laker Today: Introducing GV+

Written by Sarah Krishef
Posted on April 1, 2022

GV+ Logo

Since 1960, Grand Valley has been proudly serving thousands of students who have chosen GVSU above all other campuses. Today, we are proud to announce that Grand Valley is spearheading an innovative new program among colleges everywhere that will allow certain students to live a life of luxury here on campus: meet GV+.

Fire pit lounge

"Grand Valley is committed to giving its students the best experience possible," says Gilly Grandella, head of GV+ advertising and promotions. "Starting in 2024, we're offering new opportunities to all Grand Valley students."

GV+ is a premium subscription-based service and ad-free Grand Valley experience that will open up new opportunities to students everywhere (assuming they are willing to pay for it). Here are some of the exciting new changes that this service will offer:

  • GV+ students are guaranteed to get a C+ or above in each class to ensure a smooth and stress-free college experience.
  • All pathways leading to Kirkhof and the Lake Halls will be locked down to avoid heavy foot traffic and reserved for premium members only. Non-premium students will be free to travel the perimeter of the campus.
  • The GV+ program opens up access to new premium courses, including Intro to Harry Styles, Cryptocurrency Basics, and History of the MCU.
Coffee machine
  • While The Rapid will be available for all students, GV+ members will gain access to personal chauffeurs in the form of the GV+ Limo Program. 
  • Thanks to a partnership with Gucci, new luxury merchandise will be available in the Laker Store for GV+ members exclusively.
  • The Mary Idema Pew Library’s third floor quiet rooms will be transformed into high-end VIP lounges reserved for GV+ members. Amenities include free coffee, high-speed Internet access, a chocolate fondue fountain, a live Jazz band (performing 24/7), and a jacuzzi.

If you are unable to switch to GV+ at this time, don’t worry: Grand Valley still offers the same experience you know and love with just a few changes. Non-Premium students will be shown a number of select advertisements before each class. Additionally, Grand Valley will be partnering up for its featured sponsorship opportunities with companies like Harry's Razors, Squarespace, Honey, and Raid: Shadow Legends.

Do you feel like the typical college experience doesn't adequately suit your lavish lifestyle? Become a premium member today for a new and improved Grand Valley experience! It's very expensive. 

Sign up for GV+

Page last modified March 31, 2022