Using the Libraries

We provide support for GVSU students, faculty, and staff online and in-person.
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Services For:

MeLCat is Back!

MeLCat is Back! Banner

Need books GVSU doesn't own? MeLCat is back! Borrow books from libraries across Michigan for free!

Discover Your Library

Discover Your Library Banner

Get started using your library, today!

Group Study Rooms

Reserve a room for study or meetings.

Print and Scan

Printing and Scanning at the library.

Study Spaces

Find the perfect place to work.


Borrow or find a computer.

Highlights from the University Libraries

Library News

Zine 101 Workshop

Zine 101 Workshop

The Libraries are hosting a series of Zine Workshops at the Pew Grand Rapids Campus downtown September 20 and 22!

Sep 18, 2024

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Steelcase Library

Steelcase Library Banner

GVSU’s Steelcase Library, located on the Pew Campus in downtown Grand Rapids, is equal parts traditional library and technologically-advanced learning environment.

Fore-Edge Painting Books

Fore-Edge Painting Books Banner

A fore-edge painting is a miniature watercolor painted on the fanned edge or edges of a book. When the book is closed the art disappears, hidden by the edge gilding. This genre of painting dates from the 1500s, flourished in the 1800s, and is still practiced today. Anonymous and undated paintings include landscapes, scenes and characters from literature, and portraits of authors.

Page last modified August 29, 2024