News from Grand Valley State University

Five Lakers vie for title of Miss Michigan

Five Lakers will compete with 18 other women for the opportunity to be crowned Miss Michigan 2023 and move on to compete for the Miss America crown. 

Sarah Dudinetz, ’20, Lauren Mroczek, ’21, and current students Payton Perry-Radcliffe, Arianna Smith and Breckyn Bussey will join others in Muskegon for a week of competition. And although it is a competition, the contestants said they have built great relationships with one another, supporting each other to be the best they can be. 

“It feels like summer camp with all of your best friends and getting to spend a week with them, even though it is a stressful week, is so fun,” said Dudinetz, “We are cheering each other on the whole time.”

four women stand holding sashes and wearing crowns under the Transformational Link
From left are Payton Perry-Radcliffe, Breckyn Bussey, Lauren Mroczek and Sarah Dudinetz. Missing from the photo is Arianna Smith.
Image credit - Lauren Seymour

For decades, the Miss America pageant has brought women together whose passions and talents make for a great representation of the state. The organization is also the largest scholarship provider to young women in the world. 

The competition is divided into five categories: private interview, talent, health and fitness in partnership with the American Heart Association, evening gown, and onstage conversation. Contestants are expected to think on their feet and showcase themselves as the best possible choice to represent the Great Lakes State. 

Mroczek said competing in pageants has helped her gain skills that have proven to be invaluable.

“Having experiences at GVSU added value to what I could share with the judges and give them a full picture of myself and who I am," she said. "That is the main goal of interviews: sharing with the judges who you authentically are and why you’d be a great fit for the title."

The final competition runs June 15-17 at the Frauenthal Center in Muskegon. Learn more details online, including how to purchase tickets.


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