After three decades, wrestling returns as a varsity sport to Grand Valley

After a 31-year absence, varsity wrestling has returned to Grand Valley, with an opening home match November 1 against Cornerstone University.
Wrestling great Dan Gable was among the 1,500 fans at the Fieldhouse watching the match. Gable is a two-time NCAA Division I national champion (Iowa State), a world gold medalist, and an Olympic gold medalist.
“Grand Valley State is so important to me, even more important now that they have brought back the sport of wrestling,” Gable said. “The world needs more discipline, and wrestling acts as that form of discipline. It also brings great people together, and that’s what has happened here today.”

Supporters of Laker wrestling were happy to see the student athletes take the mat. Fans included Tom Pridoff, a former Grand Valley faculty member and wrestling official.
“We have a good crowd here tonight, it's great to see this many supporters and hear all this noise for the wrestlers,” said Pridoff.
Grand Valley beat Cornerstone 30-12. The Lakers are next in action Saturday, November 4, at the Ben McCullen Open at Muskegon Community College. Details are on the GVSU Lakers website.
Thomas Garrett is a student writer for University Communications. Garrett, a native of Stevensville, is a senior who is majoring in writing.

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