WJR radio to broadcast live from Allendale Campus as part of statewide college tour

President Philomena V. Mantella and student leaders will be featured on the WJR College Tour 2021 radio program with Guy Gordon.
Gordon's show will be broadcast live from the Allendale Campus on October 26 from 3-5 p.m. Listen live here.
During the first hour of the program, Mantella and Greg Sanial, vice president for Finance and Administration and director of the Virus Action Team, will discuss several topics, including new university initiatives, lifelong learning and how Grand Valley is navigating COVID-19.

The second hour of the program will feature GVSU students who will discuss campus life and issues important to today’s students.
Students participating include:
Michelle Luciano: A junior and a first-generation college student who is majoring in political science. Luciano is a Cook Leadership Academy fellow and a member of the Vice Provost Student Advisory Board.
Autumn Mueller: A senior with a double major in political science and marketing. Mueller is president of Student Senate.
Treondis Snodgrass: A senior majoring in allied health sciences. Snodgrass is a resident assistant and a fellow in the Cook Leadership Academy.
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