A message from President Philomena V. Mantella

January 7, 2021
A message from President Philomena V. Mantella in reaction to the violence in Washington, D.C.
I write today with a heavy heart. No matter where we as Americans fall on the political spectrum, we must condemn the violence that shook our nation’s capital and our personal psyches yesterday. The images of breaking glass and acts of violence, and the knowledge four people died, must propel more of us to return to a nation that reveres intellectual argument and the rule of law. Those who have the benefit of advanced education must take the lead in elevating civility and respect.
We hoped the turn of the calendar to 2021 would move us from a difficult year to one with promise of brighter days. The first week has not given us proof, but it will not take away my hope. I know that our campus community can pull together during this ongoing time of unique trials to be a model of the best humanity has to offer.
Thank you for all you do to make Grand Valley a community that holds itself to the highest ideals.
Philomena V. Mantella, President
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