GVSU named a 2019 top college by Forbes

Pew Grand Rapids campus, view of Beckering Carillon Tower
Grand Valley has been named one of America's Top Colleges by Forbes for the second straight year.
Image credit - Rachael Mooney

Grand Valley has been named one of America's Top Colleges by Forbes for the second straight year.

Forbes conducts an annual review of undergraduate institutions that deliver top academics along with the best experiences, career success and lowest debt. 

According to Forbes, only 15 percent of the 4,300 degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the U.S. are included, so making the list means a school meets a high standard.

Rankings focused on the direct benefits schools provide their graduates. Forbes considered debt after graduation, retention and graduation rates, alumni salaries, and signs of individual success including academic and career accolades.

In June 2019, Forbes named Grand Valley as the second best place to work in Michigan.

For more information, visit forbes.com/top-colleges.


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