KCON Student Nurses' Association earns honors at state convention

2 photos showing groups of women
Members of Grand Valley's Student Nurses' Association are pictured at their state convention in January.
Image credit - Courtesy of Jamie Platt

Grand Valley's Student Nurses' Association earned several honors at the Michigan convention in Ann Arbor in late January.

Members earned the Michigan Nursing Students Association Chapter of the Year scholarship for writing a successful resolution, completing more than 5,000 community service hours and participating in legislative projects.

The resolution was written by Jamie Platt, who serves as SNA president. It focused on increasing awareness and education of breastfeeding in African American and black communities.

Platt, a nontraditional student who will graduate in December with a bachelor's of nursing degree, said the Michigan resolution will now go to the national student nursing convention for consideration.

The chapter also earned the MNSA Fundraising Award, and Nicole Gustin earned outstanding nursing student.



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