Students participate in inaugural South Africa trip

A group from Grand Valley participated in the Women’s Center and Women and Gender Studies’ inaugural trip to South Africa May 9-June 17. The six-week trip included two classes at the University of Cape Town and service learning work at an area school.

About 20 students from a variety of majors, including history, English and Women and Gender Studies, were taught by local professors, leaders and politicians. In the afternoons they traveled to Manenburg to work with sixth graders on English and math subjects.

“The relationships students built with local community members was so unique and valuable,” said Brittany Dernberger, assistant director of the Women’s Center. “We got really close with the sixth graders and I think our students learned a lot that they can bring back and apply in the U.S.”

Lauren Lefurge, a senior and Women and Gender Studies major, said the experience set a new standard in her life when it comes to cultural experiences, life lessons and learning. “I embraced a new sense of leadership, being able to guide and teach the students was extremely rewarding,” said Lefurge, from Wyoming. “I learned how to listen and engage with issues regarding other cultures and communities in a way that was non-judgmental and in a way where change could be made by not imposing the ideas of the western world, but by listening to people and hearing their stories and being able to empathize with them.”

The trip was part of a partnership between Grand Valley’s Women’s Center and Women and Gender Studies office and Students Health and Welfare Center Organization (SHAWCO), a South African group that works to improve the quality of life of disadvantaged individuals in developing communities in Cape Town.

Danielle DeMuth, faculty advisor for the trip and Women and Gender Studies professor, said the experience allowed students to see how their education translates into their work. “This will help them get jobs and help them demonstrate skills, global perspectives and skills we try to build in general education,” she said.

Learn more about the group's experience at their blog and YouTube channel.


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