Donations sought for African service-learning trip

A group from Grand Valley is seeking donations for a service-learning trip to South Africa in May.

During the inaugural study abroad trip, students and faculty and staff members from the Women’s Center and Women and Gender Studies will spend six weeks in the Western Cape Town area providing educational support for 20 children. The group will work with SHAWCO, an organization in Cape Town that provides opportunities for students to work in one of six township centers that focus on education, health and social and community issues.

Each child will receive a supply kit. Supplies needed for each kit include a pencil bag, crayons, pencil, eraser, stump nose scissors, glue stick, markers, notebook, white T-shirt, paint brush and pencil sharpener.

Donations can be dropped off to Brittany Dernberger in the Women’s Center, 1201 Kirkhof Center.

For more information, contact the Women's Center at (616) 331-2748.


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