Purpose and Mission

The employee ombuds will provide a neutral, confidential, informal and independent environment within the parameters of the laws and policies governing the university. The Employee Ombuds Office is a place where faculty and staff can seek guidance regarding conflicts, concerns and systemic issues. The employee ombuds should bring to the attention of the appropriate office those policies, programs, procedures or practices that may be problematic for the organization or which negatively affect individual’s health, safety or rights. The employee ombuds shall be truthful and act with integrity, shall foster respect for all members of the university community, and shall promote procedural fairness in the content and administration of University policies, practices, and processes.  

The Student Ombuds Office strives to promote fairness and foster a positive campus environment by assisting students with conflict resolution and problem-solving related to their university working, learning, or living experiences. 

Page last modified April 23, 2021