
We encourage you to register for Panopto workshops in Work Day Learning.


  • Editing the beginning, middle and end of a video
  • Adding assessment questions (true/false, multiple choice, discussion, and short answer) within video content
  • Creating closed-captioned video
  • Searching video for keywords, allowing students to quickly jump to specific areas within the video
  • Student access to record their own videos using Panopto’s recording software

Panopto Introduction

Panopto Introduction Video

"After attending the Panopto online session I was able to get started making videos right away which was great! With some use I've been able to see more of the features in action (such as the quizzing, ability to share multiple screens, ability to embed a YouTube video) and haven't run into any issues. I also haven't heard from any students indicating issues accessing the video, which supports that it works smoothly with different systems and browsers.

The editing tools (ability to slow down, cut, switch screens) is excellent and allows for a much more professional product. The analytics are also insightful. Being able to see who has accessed the video, how much they have viewed (or perhaps what speed they have viewed it at) and how many times they've opened it is definitely been helpful for me in thinking about what kind of content is catching and keeping their attention. It's also great knowing that if I need to I can access the files from any computer and can edit for future use. The online tutorial videos through Panopto are also fairly extensive and have been helpful when I have run into questions (for example where to find the quiz results).

I haven't had students upload videos so can't speak to that. And the captioning is something I'm going to need to explore more in future.”

- Rachel Campbell, Sociology

"I jumped right in to using Panopto because I had a Spring online course to prep. I am thrilled to report it is easy to use. I can make videos and upload them for near immediate use - a great improvement over the old system. Editing videos is easier, and I particularly like the feature that allows me to add quiz questions. Especially, teaching online, being able to add a couple questions to incentivize students to watch the whole video, and check they understood it, is a great bonus pedagogically. I also find the viewership metrics incredibly handy. They provide real insight into students' work habits.”

- Jeff Rothstein, Sociology

Page last modified January 16, 2025