Tim Strickler

Tim Strickler Picture


[email protected]

230 Padnos Hall

(616) 331-3406

Winter Office Hours 



BMS 208 - Human Anatomy
BMS 355 - Anatomy of Joints
BMS 309 - Human Anatomy Laboratory
BMS 427 - Neuroanatomy
BMS 450/550 - Human Histology
BMS 460/560 - Regional Human Anatomy
BMS 461 - Prosected Regional Anatomy
BMS 655 - Advanced Dissection
BIO 302 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy


Ph.D. (Anatomy) University of Chicago, 1973
B.S. (Zoology) Pennsylvania State University, 1968
Diploma in Taxidermy, Northwestern School of Taxidermy, 1959


My scholarly interests these days are centered around running the GVSU plastination lab The lab processed its first specimens in the fall of 2013, and in the past 5 years we have produced more than 275 plastinated specimens (plastinates). The production of high-quality plastinates begins with careful dissection of each specimen, and most of the dissections are carried out by undergraduates and a few graduate students. The specimens we produce are used primarily in courses taught by the BMS and BIO departments at GVSU, but we are also involved in producing plastinated specimens for several outside institutions, including several schools of veterinary medicine. Students in the lab will, therefore, be working with a wide variety of vertebrates, including humans. There are limited opportunities for participation until F2019, but I welcome anyone with a strong interest in vertebrate anatomy and a talent for careful dissection. 

Page last modified October 29, 2020