Catalog Details

General Information

Catalog: 20OT73/203
Site: Blendon Landing (20OT73)
Time Period: European Historic



JPG document type

Materials Found

Material Quantity Type Notes Documents
Bone 34 Historic Burnt Pieces
Bone 24 Historic Pieces
Bone 2 Historic Faunal Teeth
Bottle Glass 3 Historic Bottle Neck Glass Thumbnail for 185-203 (document 10)
Brick 21 Historic
Button 2 Historic Thumbnail for 177-203 (document 5)
Ceramics 103 Historic Refined Earthenware Body Ceramics
Ceramics 36 Historic Unrefined Earthenware Ceramics
Ceramics 14 Historic Refined Earthenware Rim Ceramics
Ceramics 8 Historic Burned Refined Earthenware Ceramics
Ceramics 7 Historic Decorated Refined Earthenware Ceramics Thumbnail for 178-203 (document 8)
Ceramics 4 Historic Stoneware Ceramics
Ceramics 3 Historic Stoneware Rim Ceramic
Ceramics 2 Historic Unrefined Earthenware Rim Ceramics
Ceramics 1 Historic Refined Earthenware Base Ceramic
Ceramics 1 Historic Burned Unrefined Earthenware Ceramic
Ceramics 1 Historic Decorated Unrefined Earthenware Rim Ceramic
Ceramics 1 Historic Ceramic Handle Thumbnail for 179-203 (document 6)
Ceramics 1 Historic Blue Shell Edge Rimmed Refined Decorated Earthenware Ceramic
Cut Nail 109 Historic
Flat Glass 91 Historic
Glass 45 Historic Burnt Glass
Glass 17 Historic Curved Glass
Glass 1 Historic Diagnostic Glass Thumbnail for 184-203 (document 4)
Glass 1 Historic Lavender Glass
Glass 1 Historic Decorated Glass
Lithic Flakes 1 Historic Debitage
Lithic Tool 1 Historic Scraper
Metal 33 Historic Misc. Metals
Metal 4 Historic Suspender Clasps Thumbnail for 181-203 (document 9)
Metal 1 Historic Metal File Thumbnail for 183-203 (document 3)
Metal 1 Historic Shoe Eyelet
Metal 1 Historic Metal Block
Mortar 10 Historic
Pipe Stem 1 Historic Pipe Stem Fragment Thumbnail for 180-203 (document 1)
Plaster 5 Historic Plaster
Porcelain 1 Historic Porcelain Foot Thumbnail for 186-203 (document 7)
Screw 1 Historic Thumbnail for 182-203 (document 2)
Shell 7 Historic Pieces
Slate 6 Historic Slate Pieces
Spike 1 Historic

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