Catalog Details

General Information

Catalog: 20OT73/236
Site: Blendon Landing (20OT73)
Time Period: European Historic

Materials Found

Material Quantity Type Notes Documents
Bone 13 Historic Faunal Fragments
Bottle Glass 21 Historic shards
Brick 5 Historic
Button 1 Historic Metal button
Button 1 Historic Glass button
Ceramics 52 Historic refined earthenware
Charcoal 3 Historic pieces
Glass 6 Historic Melted/burnt shards
Lead 2 Historic
Metal 11 Historic
Metal 4 Historic
Metal 1 Historic Bullet casing
Mortar 10 Historic
Nails 90 Historic square cut nails
Pipe Fragment 2 Historic
Screw 2 Historic
Shell 7 Historic
Slate 2 Historic
Window Glass 228 Historic

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