University Communications

Who we are:

University Communications is a unit of the University Relations Division. We provide a variety of services and products to tell the Grand Valley story to audiences within the university and those reached through the mass media. Our services include:

Approval from an executive officer is required for live webcasting and video services. When a request is submitted, UComm will review the video project and contact the requester for more information.

Our products:

  • Forum: A newsletter for faculty and staff members and retirees.
  • GVNext: The university's online newsroom and information source, which includes daily campus news reports, a daily newsletter, and multimedia news features. GVNext is also the home to stories about the Laker Effect.
  • Grand Valley Magazine: Quarterly magazine for the Grand Valley community that includes profiles, features, research news and news about alumni and campus events.
  • Videos: The video team of University Communications serves the needs of University Administration, University Communications, University Marketing and university-wide initiatives, promotion, recruiting and newsworthy events.
  • For marketing planning, website development, print pieces, copy style guide or advertising, please contact University Marketing.

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Student Philanthropy Week spotlights connections, belonging

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A visitor to GVSU's "The Blue Dot Experience," event is silhouetted against an image of the Earth.

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Page last modified July 18, 2023