Communicating with Students about Grading

Pass out written description of each assignment, along with a description of how it will be graded.

Articulate criteria for grading writing on syllabus; include information about late policies, revision options, and expectations for drafting/peer review.

Discuss grading criteria at start of term, midterms, and end of term (this is especially important with portfolio grading, where students must wait until the end of the semester to receive a grade for their work).

Consider a grading contract, which gives students options in how much to revise, how many assignments to complete, how many deadlines to meet, etc.

Refer to the grading criteria outlined on your syllabus in your responses to drafts.

If there are areas of student writing for which you have high expectations, give an assignment or do a class activity that gives students experience in achieving those expectations (scaffolding).

Show students samples of successful writing you've received in the past (get student permission).

Do a full-class workshop in which the class responds to and even assigns a grade to a piece of writing.

Page last modified February 16, 2017