External Programs FAQ

Students may choose to participate in an external program sponsored by another institution or study abroad organization. While participating in an external program, students will maintain their GVSU student status, earn credits toward their GVSU degree and have access to their GVSU financial aid package. GVSU students do not pay GVSU tuition when participating in external programs. 

When is the best time for students to study abroad?

Students can go abroad as soon as the summer between their Freshmen and Sophomore years. Students can also earn their last 30 credits  abroad. Therefore, students can study abroad anytime during their undergraduate career. We encourage students to begin planning their study abroad experience as soon as possible.

How do students apply for a external Program?

To apply for a external program, students need to complete PIC’s Online Application System for International Study (OASIS) as well as the separate application specific to the program provider.  Students need to be aware of the application process for both GVSU and for the program they are applying to. Students must make sure they are aware of all GVSU deadlines and those of their sponsoring institution/organization.

Deadlines for applying through the OASIS

Winter 2023
Students wishing to participate in a external Winter 2023 program should submit their GVSU OASIS application by September 1, 2022 if they'd like to be eligible for the  Study Abroad Semester Grant However, we will continue to accept applications for external programs through October 1, 2022.

Summer 2023
Students wishing to participate in a external Summer 2023 program should submit their GVSU OASIS application by February 1, 2023. However, we will continue to accept applications for external programs through March 1, 2023. Students participating in a external summer program are not eligible for the Study Abroad Semester Grant.

Fall 2023 or Academic Year 2023-2024
Students wishing to participate in an external Fall 2023 or Academic year 2023-24 program should submit their GVSU OASIS application by February 1, 2023 if they'd like to be eligible for the Study Abroad Semester Grant. However, we will continue to accept applications through May 1, 2023.

Will the credits students earn transfer to GVSU?

All courses taken abroad will be posted to a student's GVSU transcript as credit/no credit.  Credit is granted for those courses with a grade of "C" or higher.  The courses will not be factored into the student's GVSU grade point average. GVSU faculty members from appropriate departments evaluate the academic courses for credit approval. If approved, faculty members determine GV course equivalencies and sign the Departmental Approval form, indicating what course will appear on the student’s GVSU transcript upon successful completion of his/her program.

Do students have to take classes particular to their major while abroad?

We do not require that students take classes specific to their major. It is up to the student to decide what graduation requirements to fulfill while abroad. However, we do recommend that students talk to an academic adviser before making their final decision. Students should keep in mind that their graduation requirements still have to be fulfilled. Students are encouraged to explore fulfilling General Education and Issues requirements while abroad.
The World Perspective general education requirement is automatically fulfilled when taking at least 3 credits abroad.

Do students have to pay double tuition?

In most cases, when participating in a External program, program fees (including tuition) will be paid to the sponsoring institution or organization. Students will not be charged tuition by GVSU if they are paying fees to their sponsoring organization*. GVSU students have access to their full GVSU Financial Aid award package to help pay study abroad costs.

There is a registration fee for GVSU's place holder course (IS 380) that will affect External (and partnership) participants. Students will be charged $28 per credit hour:

Summer (6 Credits): $168
Fall or Winter (12-15 Credits): $336
Academic Year (24-30 Credits): $672

Can students use their GVSU Financial Aid Package toward their study abroad costs?

Most financial aid a student normally receives at GVSU can be applied toward the cost of an approved external study abroad program.  For programs costing more than attending GVSU, students usually rely upon alternative loan options. Students MUST have an updated FAFSA on file in order to be considered for financial aid. When participating in a external program, a student's financial aid package is awarded directly to them and they are then responsible to paying the fees to the program provider. 

Study Abroad Scholarships/Grants

There are a variety of scholarships/grants administered by Padnos International Center
For additional information regarding PIC grant/scholarship opportunities visit our study abroad website.
Please note, all full semester external study abroad program participants are automatically considered for PIC's Study Abroad Semester Grant if they've submitted their OASIS application by the priority application deadline. Students participating in external summer programs are not considered for the PIC Study Abroad Semester Grant. 

Additional scholarship opportunities can be found here.

Page last modified August 17, 2022