Health and Physical Education Certifications

Coaching Certificate

The Certificate in Sport Coaching provides prospective coaches with theoretical knowledge and practical experiences in accordance with the National Standards for Sport Coaching. Coaching stresses the importance of developing an athlete-centered philosophy and a scientifically-based understanding of current issues in sports medicine, motor learning and coaching theory. Students completing the Certificate in Sport Coaching will have a record of this accomplishment appear on their academic transcript.

The coursework consists of:

MOV 201: Psycho-social Aspects of Physical Education and Sport; ATH 217: Modern Principals of Athletic Training; SPM 355: Current Topics in Coaching; SPM 360: Practicum in Coaching;
IMPORTANT: In order to receive your Coaching Certificate, you must complete the following:

Download and thoroughly complete the Certificate Application Form Fill in "Name of Certificate: Coaching Certificate"
Fill in "Department: Movement Science"
Email completed form to [email protected]

Michigan Test for Teacher Certification

Students who plan to earn a Michigan teaching certificate must take and pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification (MTTC) in both health and physical education.  There are two parts to this test.

  • If you enrolled in the Physical Education major with a Health Education minor (prior to Fall 2020), then you will take: Test #043 - Heath AND Test #044 - Physical Education
  • If your minor (prior to Fall 2020) was something other than School Health Education, you will need to take the MTTC in your other minor teaching area.
  • If you enrolled in the combined Health and Physical Education major (beginning Fall 2020), then you will take: Tests #112 and #113 - Health and Physical Education Subtests 1 and 2.

This ensures each certified teacher has the necessary professional readiness and content knowledge to serve in Michigan schools.  

Visit for information about:

For Testing Accommodations, review the requirements needed with your Disability Support Resources advisor,

Study Guide and Resources

  • CLAS Advising Center's MTTC Content Area Test information
  • MTTC Flash Cards (available for each subject)
  • MoMetrix eLibrary (online access to study guides available through the GVSU Library)
    Click on Teaching, then scroll down and select the MTTC test(s) you are interested in. You may need to log-in through the Library in order to access this database.
  • Disability Support Resources:

Reducing Test Anxiety

If you suffer from test anxiety please read this PDF guide, Dealing with Test Anxiety, to identify and cope with stress.

Page last modified March 17, 2022