
PLEASE JOIN US TONIGHT: Exhibit Opening and Reception

Gi-gikinomaage-min (We are all teachers)

Date and Time

Tuesday, November 3, 2015 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Please join us for the opening of the "Walking Beyond Our Ancestors' Footsteps: An Urban Native American Experience" exhibit. The event is a part of the Gi-gikinomaage-min (We are all teachers): Defend Our History, Unlock Your Spirit project.

The opening reception will be held in the Mary Idema Pew Library's Multipurpose Room (Allendale campus). Shannon Martin (Match-e-ben-nash-e-wish Band of Pottawatomi), Director of the Ziibiwing Center for Anishinabe Lifeways & Culture is the featured speaker. The event will also feature a George Martin (Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa) and Wandering Nation. 

Food will be provided and all are welcome to attend. This event is also a pre-approved LIB 100/201 co-curricular.

The exhibit can be viewed in the Idema Pew Library through the month of November. After that, it will travel to the Grand Rapids Public Library, January 4-21, 2016.

Project partners include GVSU's Kutsche Office of Local History, Native American Advisory Board, Office of Multicultural Affairs, GVSU Libraries' Special Collections & University Archives, the Grand Rapids Public Museum, and the Grand Rapids Public Library.



GVSU Kutsche Office of Local History

Phone: (616)331-8099

Email: [email protected]

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Page last modified November 3, 2015