Building Archives

Preserving our past is critical. Without the primary resources to explore a community's past, whole generations of experience and knowledge are lost.   By collecting and preserving memories, photographs, and other materials that tell the story of our pasts, however, we can foster a sense of shared community and contribute significantly to students' learning. 

This is the goal of the Kutsche Office's archival development projects. We work with various local archives, museums, and repositories as well as community-based organizations, researchers, educators, and community leaders to collect oral histories, conduct community history harvests, and develop projects that will grow primary resources focused on the diverse experiences of Western Michigan residents.

Do you have a story to share? Would you like to hold a history harvest in your community? Or would you like to learn more about oral history methods and/or historic preservation? Please give us a call or look at our upcoming workshops and projects for more information.

Page last modified August 11, 2014