Guidelines for Success at GVSU

  1. Flexible work arrangements should support university goals, including quality student and customer service and cost-effectiveness
  2. Jobs should be appropriate for the flexible work arrangements, and equipment, systems or materials must be available during nontraditional hours or outside of the workplace to support arrangement, if necessary
  3. The staff member's work style and performance history should support the requirements of the option (e.g., ability to work independently without direct supervision and past/current performance designated at least as fully achieved expectations)
  4. Written plans should be developed and approved for the flexible work arrangement to document the understanding between all involved parties
  5. Supervisor and appointing officer must approve the plan and be prepared to manage the work under the conditions of the arrangement. Supervisors have the responsibility for determining work schedules within their department
  6. Special arrangements for communication and accountability should be established
  7. An effort should be made to maintain a collaborative environment, through special opportunities for staff members to have shared hours and constructive interactions with the rest of the unit or department
  8. A pilot period of 3 months is recommended for a flexible work arrangement. Other durations may be used as appropriate. This period allows both the supervisor and staff member to evaluate the success of the arrangement.
  9. All should be prepared to return to the pre-flexibility work arrangement if the goals of the arrangement are not being met. Supervisor and staff member should discuss their concerns, then follow up with a written two-week notice to return to the pre-flexible work arrangement.


      We would like to thank Duke University Human Resources for assisting GVSU in developing our Guidelines for Success.

Page last modified July 2, 2021