Art Therapy Workshop: Week Three

Future Postcard

We have all encountered our share of challenges in the past few years, which may have left you feeling stuck or unmotivated in how to move forward at times. During these tough times, it can be hard to envision a different future. Today’s activity can help cultivate hope for your future and serve as a reminder that whatever you might be struggling with will not last forever.

Before you get started, try to find a quiet environment with minimal distractions to help you focus on the creative process. I would also encourage you to put your phone on silent and consider playing some soothing music in the background. As a reminder, no artistic background or skill is needed and there is no right or wrong way to make art. Let go of judgments, be mindful of what emerges during the activity, and enjoy the process.


  • Index cards, small sheets of paper, or blank postcard printable (see below)
  • Pen or another writing utensil
  • Drawing or paint supplies of your choice (Colored pencils, crayons, watercolor paint, etc.)

*Please adjust or substitute materials with similar supplies available to you.

Art Prompt:

  • Take a moment to think about the changes you would like to see in your future (e.g. 6 months from now, 4 yrs. from now). Think of something that instills hope for your future.

  • Now, create this future image on the front of your postcard using your art supplies.

  • On the back, write a letter from your future self, letting yourself know how it feels to be where you are after having achieved this vision. Be encouraging and describe the changes you made to get there.

Download your own postcard

Week Three


Once finished, take 10-15 minutes to do some reflection on the exercise using the questions provided or write down any other thoughts that came up at this time.

  • What thoughts or feelings emerged during this activity?
  • What is one step you need to take to get to the future you want?
  • Who are the people that will support you in this journey?
  • What 3 words best describe what you will need?

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Page last modified June 9, 2022