Policy & Procedures

GVSU is committed to providing an educational environment, a workplace, programs, and activities that are free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and sexual misconduct. GVSU Policy prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 2020 Title IX Regulations (34 CFR § 106), Section 304 of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes, including the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, Michigan PA 453 of 1976.

This policy prohibits a broad continuum of behaviors, some of which are not legally prohibited but which reflect GVSU’s standards and expectations for a positive working and learning environment.

Policy & Procedures

Process Overviews


An allegation will fall under 2020 TITLE IX regulations when it involves:

  1. Conduct that would constitute sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking (if proven) as defined by GVSU policy and:
    1. Occurs in the United States;
    2. Occurs in an education program or activity (where GVSU controls the context of the incident);
    3. Involves a complainant who is participating in or attempting to participate in GVSU’s educational programs or activities at the time of filing the complaint; and
    4. Involves a respondent over whom GVSU has substantial control (as a student or employee).

An allegation will fall under the UNIVERSITY SEXUAL MISCONDUCT when it involves:

  1. Conduct that would constitute sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and/or stalking (if proven) as defined by GVSU policy, but that is not within the jurisdiction of the 2020 Title IX regulations (listed above under Process A); and/or 
  2. Conduct that would constitute sexual exploitation (if proven) as defined by GVSU policy.

When a Complainant seeks University resolution, the Title IX Coordinator determines if the misconduct alleged falls within the scope of University Sexual Misconduct.

Process A Overview

These jurisdictional requirements are spelled out by the 2020 Title IX regulations and are rigid. If these requirements are met, the resolution process will be the Formal Grievance Process described in Process A. However, if any of these requirements are not met, GVSU is required to dismiss the allegation under Process A and then may use Process B.


An allegation will fall under this process when it involves conduct that would constitute gender-based harassment and/or discriminatory harassment on the basis of a protected class (if proven) as defined by GVSU policy.

When a Complainant seeks University resolution, the Title IX Coordinator determines if the misconduct alleged falls within the scope of Discriminatory Harassment and/or Gender-based Harassment.

Process B Overview

Page last modified September 10, 2024